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1 min read

How to remove tea, coffee or lipstick stains from mugs and glassware

How to remove tea, coffee or lipstick stains from mugs and glassware
How to remove tea, coffee or lipstick stains from mugs and glassware



Colored stains such as tea, coffee or lipstick may be hard to remove completely in the dishwasher. Please see if one of the following will solve the problem.




Make sure the selected program is appropriate


The washing program you selected might not be suitable for the type of dishes you want to clean. For heavily soiled dishes, select a program with a higher temperature and a longer cycle.




Avoid washing kitchenware with deteriorated surfaces


Colored stains may not be cleaned completely if the surfaces of items show signs of deterioration. Stains may be left in pores or dents even after the wash cycle. Avoid washing these items in the dishwasher.




Make sure the detergent is stored appropriately


Powder detergents stored in humid places and older detergents will clump and so won’t dissolve properly. Keep your dishwasher detergent in a closed container, free of humidity and away from excessive temperatures.




Make sure the appliance is loaded properly


You may be loading your cups and glasses incorrectly or overloading your dishwasher. Make sure all your items are tilted properly and that they’re not touching each other or the moving parts of the dishwasher. See our guide on how to load a dishwasher for more information. 



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