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3 min read

How to prevent cloudy glassware after dishwashing

How to prevent cloudy glassware after dishwashing
How to prevent cloudy glassware after dishwashing



There are several reasons for your glasses to get cloudy. Please see if one of the following will solve the problem.




Make sure rinse aid is not running low or depleted 


Rinse aid prevents water droplets from drying on your glassware and leaving water marks. When the rinse aid light on your dishwasher is on, it’s time to refill.


The rinse aid container is located on the inside of your dishwasher’s door, next to the detergent compartment. Open the cover of the container, pour in the rinse aid until the container is full and close the cover. 




Make sure the rinse aid setting is appropriate


Your dishwasher has a rinse aid setting which determines the amount of rinse aid the appliance uses. If you see water marks on your dishes despite using rinse aid, you may want to increase your dishwasher’s rinse aid dosage. If there’s a bluish/rainbow-like coloration on glassware even after wiping, try lowering your dishwasher’s rinse aid dosage. 




Check the water hardness level and use dishwasher salt accordingly


Dishwasher salt helps your appliance’s internal softener unit reduce the hardness of tap water. If your water supply is soft (<5dH), don’t use salt as it may scratch or corrode glassware.


Follow the instructions in your user manual to measure your tap water’s hardness level. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.




Avoid spilling dishwasher salt inside the appliance


Dishwasher salt containers contain water, and this water may overflow when you fill the container with salt. Salt may also spill inside the appliance while refilling the salt container. Salt inside the dishwasher tub may scratch glassware.


To minimize salt spills, use the funnel provided with your Beko dishwasher when pouring salt into the container, and be sure to wipe away any overflowing water or salt granules. Close the container lid tightly after refilling it.


Run a prewash program or the shortest program to wash away any salt that may have been spilled inside the appliance. Salt granules under the lid will dissolve during prewash and may cause the lid to loosen. Check the lid at the end of the program and close it firmly.




Make sure the water hardness setting is appropriate


Hard water also contributes to marks forming on your glassware. Your dishwasher has a water hardness setting which you need to adjust according to the hardness of your tap water.


Follow the instructions in your user manual to determine the correct setting. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.




Avoid washing glass items together with aluminum or aluminum-blend kitchenware 


Kitchen utensils that contain or are made of aluminum may be corroded in the dishwasher. Particles that break away from these may scratch glassware. Avoid washing glass and aluminum items together. 




Take advantage of the Auto GlassShield, SteamGloss and GlassCare Programs


Many Beko dishwashers feature specific technologies and programs to protect your glassware.


Auto GlassShield Technology protects your glassware from corrosion by detecting water hardness and adjusting the water hardness setting accordingly.


SteamGloss Technology provides an extra 10 minutes of intense heating to minimize water stains.


The GlassCare Program washes your glassware gently at 105 °F to protect your delicate glassware.



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