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About us

About Beko
About Beko

We are Beko, a global leader that motivates households worldwide to live healthier and more sustainably. Beko has been a fixture in homes since 1955. Over six decades later, we're still developing innovations that meet you and your family's needs without neglecting the planet. 


With this vision and ambition to grow, Beko is the number one home appliance manufacturer in Europe with its market share (based on volume)** and operates across 45 production facilities with 55,000 employees globally.


**Based on 2023 major domestic appliance volume sales data provided on Euromonitor Passport portal.

Satisfied househoulds

We’ve built on our 60 years of experience and innovation, which led to...


Committed employees


Countries served


Global production facilities in 13 countries

Our purpose


We are not just building better appliances.

We are trying to build a better world and help Americans live healthier.


At Beko, our products empower our customers to lead healthier lives, and our technical innovations help the planet to be healthier, too. From our innovative use of recycled materials to the lowest possible energy consumption, we produce a full line of feature-rich products within reach. Americans can live healthier and produce less waste using Beko products, which is good for us and the planet.


As the US subsidiary of Beko, we employ people throughout the country and have a strong nationwide presence with our wide dealer network.


Beko USA is proud to announce that we have won the 2023 ENERGY STAR® Sustained Excellence Award for the fifth consecutive year, and we are the first home appliance brand to be honored by the EPA every year we have done business in America.