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Privacy Notice

Beko is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Notice describes how we collect and process personal information when you visit our website and when you interact with us in your role as an agent or employee of another business.



 We believe in helping you understand our privacy practices concerning your personal information. Driven by that goal, we have prepared this brief overview of key points about why and how we process your information:

·         What personal information do we collect? We collect the following categories of personal information: identifiers, audio and visual, location data, commercial data, internet & network activity, and login information (which may be considered sensitive personal information).  You can find more details on those categories in the section below.

·         How do you use my information? We use your information to operate our online tools, improve our products and services, communicate with you, target our marketing, and conduct business with our partners.

·         Do you sell or share my information? We do not sell your information, and we do not share it with third parties so they can provide you advertisements based on your activity across different websites (a practice commonly known as “targeted advertising”). We allow third parties to collect information through cookies for marketing purposes only when you authorize the sharing of that data by actively choosing to allow those cookies.

·         How long do you keep my information? We retain your information for the period specified in our retention policy, unless legally required to keep it longer.


Collection & Sources

 In the last 12 months, we have collected the following categories of personal information:

·         Identifiers. We collect details such as your name, device ID, contact information (such as email address, phone number or address), social-media usernames. We also record identifiers we issue to servicers.

·         Audio and Visual. We collect audio recordings of consumer-support calls as allowed by law. We also collect user-generated content during social-media campaigns.

·         Location Data. We may collect your location when you use our website or mobile application.

·         Commercial Data. We collect proof of purchase, product information, and claims-related data for product registrations, returns, exchanges, warranty claims, and damage claims. We may also collect some banking and payment information as part of a damage claim.

·         Internet & Network Activity. We collect details such as your IP address and browsing activity on our website. We often do so using cookies or similar technologies.

·         Inferences. We use your information, except for sensitive personal information, to draw inferences about you.

·         Sensitive Personal Information. We collect your login information when you log into our site.

 We collect the majority of the personal information that we use directly from you, including your devices. We may also collect some personal information when you engage with us through social media channels (Facebook, YouTube, etc.). We also collect information from third parties, such as when we acquire information on potential customers. Other times we may collect information, such as your business contact information, from your employer when we engage in business-to-business transactions.



 We collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:

·         Operate our online tools. We use your information to run our website and mobile applications, including securing and improving them. In connection with operating our online tools, we process the following categories of personal information: your login information when you log into our site; your name, device ID, and contact information; proof of purchase and product information for product registrations; IP address and browsing activity on our website; and location data when you use our website or mobile application.

·         Improve our products and services. We use your information to improve our offerings, including conducting research and development, and may also use your data to better understand our customers. In connection with improving our products and services, we use the following categories of personal information: Audio recordings of consumer-support calls as allowed by law; proof of purchase, product information, and claims-related data for product registrations, returns, exchanges, warranty claims, and damage claims; IP address and browsing activity on our website; location data when you use our website or mobile application; and inferences drawn about you from the foregoing categories.

·         Communicate with you. We use your information to communicate with customers and website visitors, including providing customer service, notifying you of recalls or product updates, and sending you other relevant information. To communicate with you, we use the following categories of personal information: Name, device ID, contact information (such as email address, phone number or address); audio recordings of consumer-support calls as allowed by law; proof of purchase, product information, and claims-related data for product registrations, returns, exchanges, warranty claims, and damage claims.

·         Target our marketing. We use your information to reach our target audiences with relevant marketing and information. To target our marketing, we use the following categories of personal information: IP address and browsing activity on our website; name, device ID, contact information (such as email address, phone number or address), and social-media usernames; location data when you use our website or mobile application; and inferences drawn about you from the foregoing categories.

·         Conducting business with our partners. For representatives of our business partners, we use your information as part of that business relationship. In connection with conducting business with our partners, we process the following categories of personal information: Name and contact information (such as email address, phone number or address); identifiers issues to our servicers; and banking and payment information to pay for services.

 We do not use your sensitive personal information for any reason other than those permitted by California Civil Code section 1798.121(a) and the related regulations. We also do not use your personal information for profiling in furtherance of legal or similarly significant effects concerning you.



 In the last 12 months, we have not disclosed your personal information to third parties, as that term is defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act or similar state laws. We do provide information to our service providers. These service providers help us with various tasks, and they can only use that information for the purposes we specify.

We may disclose your personal information to others in order to comply with legal obligations or valid legal processes (such as a subpoena), to protect our rights and property, or for emergency/safety reasons. Also, if a business transfer or change in ownership occurs, we may disclose information as necessary to complete the transaction.



 We have appropriate security measures designed to secure your personal information against unauthorized use, access, or disclosure.


 No Sale of Personal Information

 We do not "sell" personal information, and we do not use it for targeted advertising based on your activity across others’ websites (a concept known as “sharing” under California law). And we do not have actual knowledge that we sell or share the personal information of consumers under 16 years of age.


 Use of Cookies

 We use third-party cookies on our site to help deliver more relevant advertising to you. These cookies are turned off by default and require that you authorize the sharing of that data by actively choosing to allow them.

We also use analytics providers to help us understand how visitors interact with our website. These providers, including Google Analytics, use analytics cookies to collect information—such as your IP address, device type, operating system, referring URLs, location and pages visited—and provide us insights into activity on our website. We use that information to improve our customers’ experience on our website. You can find more information about Google’s privacy practices and explanation on how they use data by reviewing Google’s Privacy Policy. You can opt-out of Google Analytics tracking by installing a browser add-on here.


Your Rights

This section only applies to residents of (1) California, Colorado, Connecticut, Montana Texas, Utah, Oregon, or Virginia when they visit our website as consumers (in connection with a business-to-business transaction); and (2) California residents when they interact with us in their role as an agent or employee of another business.


You have the following rights with respect to your personal information:

·         Access. You can request that we provide you the specific pieces of personal information we collected about you as well as the categories of personal information we collected about you, categories of sources for that information, and reason why we collected your personal information. You can also request that we provide you a list of third parties to whom we disclosed personal information.

·         Correction. You can request that we correct inaccurate information we have about you.

·         Deletion. You can request that we delete information we collected from you.


We will not discriminate against you for exercising the above rights. If you want to exercise those rights, please contact us at or use our online form. We ask that you provide your name, email address, state of residence, requested action, relationship to the Beko (e.g., consumer, employee, applicant, B2B consumer, authorized agent, or parent/guardian) and any details about your request. You, your authorized agent, or another person authorized by law may make a request related to your personal information. If you have an agent making a request, we will require (1) the agent to provide us your signed permission authorizing the agent to act on your behalf and (2) you to verify their identity directly with you or confirm with you that they provided the agent permission.


We can only honor verified requests. Once we receive your request, we will attempt to verify the request by comparing the information you provide with the details we have on file. Alternatively, we may try to verify your identity by having you send us an email from the account we have on file.


If you a resident in one of the above-mentioned states and disagree with our denial of your request, you can appeal the decision by emailing with: (1) your name, (2) the decision you are appealing, and (3) an explanation of why you believe your request should be honored.  



We may change this notice from time to time, such as when the law changes or we change what information we collect and how we use it. If we update the notice, we will post the revised version on our website. And, if the changes are material, we will notify you by emailing you or posting details on our website. 


Contact Us

If you have any questions about our processing of your personal information, please contact us at