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Why Water Management is an Important Factor in Our Goal Towards a Sustainable Future
Why Water Management is an Important Factor in Our Goal Towards a Sustainable Future

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Why Water Management is an Important Factor in Our Goal Towards a Sustainable Future
Why Water Management is an Important Factor in Our Goal Towards a Sustainable Future

We’re all familiar with the issues facing the planet and our environment: climate change, pollution, the threat to food security, and especially the rising water crisis.  


According to a 2019 New York Times article, there's a looming water crisis that could affect close to a quarter of humanity, with up to 17 countries in the world experiencing extreme water stress. This means that they’re using almost all of the water they have. About 80% of available surface and groundwater is being used every year, contributing to the high global demand.  

This is a crisis that affects us all. We’ve seen the recent issues regarding water shortages in South Africa, predominantly in the Eastern and Western Cape, so this is something that we should all take very seriously, especially if we consider how close Cape Town came to running out of water because of the drought suffered between 2016 - 2018. 


During the manufacturing process of Beko products, we carefully consider the value of water management, and we’re constantly looking for innovative and sustainable ways to minimise the water usage of some of our products. Innovations such as the Aquatech and Aquaintense technology found in our washing machines and dishwashers not only offer intense cleaning performance, but they also go a long way toward contributing to the 1 350 000 m3 of water we’ve managed to save over the past eight years. That works out to being equal to the consumption of close to 1.7 million households and counting.  


Our focus will remain on reduced water consumption, increased water efficiency, enhanced water monitoring, and increasing water recycling to help ensure a sustainable future.