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Integrated Fridge Freezers

Integrated fridge-freezer is a stylish and energy-efficient solution for your kitchen.

Beko's top of the line kitchen appliances offer unbeatable quality. 

results (2)


54cm Built-In Combi Fridge

54cm Built-In Combi Fridge BCNA275E3S
  • Active Fresh Blue Light: vitamin C in fruit & veg preserved
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
  • CoolRoom: meat, fish & dairy fresher for longer


Integrated Fridge Freezer (Freezer Bottom, 54 cm)

Integrated Fridge Freezer (Freezer Bottom, 54 cm) BCNA275E4FN
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
  • CoolRoom: meat, fish & dairy fresher for longer
results (2)
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