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CategorySegmentWarranty Period
CoolingBMF3 Years
Pigeon Pair3 Years
CookingBI Oven3 Years
Free Standing + Range Cooker3 Years
Hobs3 Years
Hoods3 Years
CleaningFront Loaders3 Years
Top Loaders3 Years
Dryers3 Years
Washer&Dryers3 Years
Dishwashers3 Years
Smal Domestic Appliance

2 Years



Warranty cover for an appliance is subject to the following conditions:

1.     These warranty conditions apply only to the country where the product is purchased.

2.     The warranty periods on the date of purchase of the products will apply. Please confirm your warranty periods on date of purchase.  The invoice will serve as proof of purchase. It will be essential to show the proof of purchase for the warranty. Failure to do so, will render the purchaser liable for service costs.

3.     Defects affecting the appliance which are clearly attributable to material and/or manufacturing faults, provided they are reported immediately after being identified, within the applicable warranty period at time of purchase (the “Warranty Period”). No warranty liability will be accepted if the defects stem from transport damages, improper installation and assembly, improper use; electricity fluctuations and surges, lightning strikes, where an appliance has been used in a non-domestic environment, poor maintenance or failure to observe operating or assembly instructions.

4.     For the first 6 months after purchase, the customer shall have the right to request a repair, refund or replacement as set out in the Consumer Protection Act subject to any defects being material. If the defect could be easily repaired or remedied, then Beko may elect to repair the unit.

5.     After the initial 6-month period from date of purchase, Beko will elect at its sole discretion to either repair, replace or refund a unit.

6.     Microwave Ovens, Compact Cookers and small domestic appliances will need to be delivered to the purchasing dealer or a Beko service center for repairs or replacements.  They are not collected from the customer’s home. All other appliances will be repaired on site.

7.     Prior to any warranty repairs or replacement, a valid purchase receipt must be presented detailing the date of purchase. In cases of large appliances, the relevant installation and/or applicable certificate of compliance (gas or electrical COC) must be presented with the proof of purchase.

8.      Should an appliance qualify for a replacement, but the specific model is discontinued or not available in stock, Beko reserves the right to charge the appropriate monetary difference should the replacement unit be of an higher specification or regarding the current used lifespan.

9.     Products must be returned in original packaging.

10.   If a unit qualifies for a replacement, an equivalent unit will be provided however Beko does not guarantee that the replacement unit will match the other appliances in the household or match specific tones/finishes. The replacement will be from the available product listing.

11.     If parts are replaced as part of the repairs, the replaced parts must be returned to Beko and cannot be retained by the customer.

12.     The provision of services under warranty or the delivery of a new replacement unit neither extends the term of the warranty nor sets in motion a new warranty period. The warranty period will remain the period as specified from date of original purchase.

13.     The Company shall not be responsible for damages resulting from fire, flood, civil disturbances or any Act of God. The Company shall not, in terms of these warranties be responsible nor held liable for any consequential loss or damage of any kind caused by or due to the failure or malfunction of the appliance. The Company shall not be responsible for damages caused by cockroaches, insect and/or any other animal.

14.     Fragile items such as glass, ceran tops, bulbs, cosmetic components, discoloration of components due to water, chemicals or heat, or damage caused by usage and/or cleaning is specifically excluded as a warranty claim. Cracked, rusted or corroded solid plates, vitreous enamelware, rust, cosmetic wear or cosmetic/ external damage to products/components are specifically excluded from these warranties. It is an express condition of these warranties that the purchaser takes due care and attention in the use and maintenance of the appliance. Abuse, misuse in conflict with operating instructions, connection to incorrect voltages and subjection to commercial use shall release the Company from its obligations.

15.    Repairs performed by unauthorized persons not and/or installation of non-OEM parts will void any warranty on the unit.

16.     In the event of physical or verbal abuse towards any member of staff, all warranties will be voided.

17.     Second-hand products are out of warranty.

18.    Alternative dispute resolution is a process where an independent body considers the facts of a dispute and seeks to resolve it, if you are not happy with how we have handled your complaint. You can submit the matter to CGSO for review in South Africa and relevant organizations in other countries.

19.    When customer requests changing the direction of door opening (where possible) or the removal of doors for the unit to be taken into a house is chargeable if the unit cannot fit in a normal door size, unless there is an agreement with for delivery & installation.

20.    As Beko, we offer repairs for products out of warranty. We give 1-year warranty for the same fault type, permitted the product is not older than 6 years, should the product be older than 6 years will carry 6-month warranty, if the repair request is made through the communication channels below. Current call out fee will be communicated through various channels below.

21.     Beko Call Center should be contacted for the repairs of the products.

Phone                                   0 86 100 2356


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