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4 min read

Beko washing machine programs explained

Beko Washing Machine Programs Explained
Beko Washing Machine Programs Explained



If you’re the proud new owner of a Beko washing machine, or have your eye on a new Beko appliance, knowing exactly what your washing machine can do will be a great help in your weekly laundry plight. 


This guide will take you through the programs and features available on Beko washing machines*, so you’ll know exactly what your brand new appliance will be able to do.


*Programs and features depend on model. Please check product specifications for details.




Main programs


Beko washing machines offer three main program types, Cottons, Synthetics and Woolens, all of which have variable temperature selection (though each fabric type has a fixed top temperature and maximum spin speed). The table below provides an overview of these.




This program is for predominately cotton items (85% and above) such as bed linen, towels, underwear, t-shirts etc.


Extra Hot: This temperature setting is best for heavily soiled white cottons and linens (tablecloths, towels, bed linen).


Hot: This temperature is best for normally soiled, colored, fadeproof cottons and linens such as t-shirts, shirts and nightwear, or lightly soiled white cottons and linens.


Warm: These temperatures are best for delicate or blended material items.


Cold: This temperature is best for delicate textiles.





Sports Wear


This program is for clothes made mostly of materials such as polyester or nylon.


Hot: This temperature is best for normally soiled, colored, fadeproof cottons and linens such as t-shirts, shirts and nightwear, or lightly soiled white cottons and linens.


Warm: These temperatures are best for delicate or blended material items.


Cold: This temperature is best for delicate textiles.






This program is for clothes made mostly of wool.


Warm: These temperatures are best for delicate, woolen or blended material items.


Cold: This temperature is best for delicate textiles.





Special programs


In addition to the standard programs above, Beko washing machines offer a range of extra programs. You’ll be able to adjust the spin speed and temperature on these programs too.






This program washes clothes at high temperatures for longer, and includes an additional rinse cycle to remove all bacteria and allergens.






This program detects how soiled your laundry is and sets the time and temperature accordingly.




Baby Clothing


This program uses longer exposure to hot water and additional rinsing stages to remove bacteria and allergens.




Cottons Eco


This program washes normally soiled cottons using less water and energy.




Dark Care


This program uses lower temperatures and less agitation to prevent your darker garments fading.




Duvet & Down Wear


This program is specifically designed to handle heavy duvets.




Eco Clean


This program allows you to wash up to 7 lbs of lightly soiled cottons using minimal amounts of water and energy.






While not a proper wash cycle, this program breathes fresh life into worn, unsoiled garments. It’s a 30 min program that uses steam and ions to remove unwanted odors from lightly-worn clothes.






A program that protects the texture and color of delicate fabrics like woven and combed cotton thanks to its gentle washing and spinning algorithm.




Hand Wash / Delicates


This program is ideal for woolen and delicate items, or garments with “non-machine washable” tags. Low heat and gentle movement in the drum means they items won’t be damaged.






A program that blends sensitive temperature control with additional rinse and spin cycles to make sure any microorganism is removed from laundry. Working at a range of 70 °F to 195 °F, the 140 °F cycle is approved by Allergy UK to eliminate 99.9% of allergens.






This program uses extended washing times and additional rinse stages to deal with heavily soiled laundry.




Mixed Fabrics


This program washes cottons and synthetics together.




Outdoor / Sports Programme


This program protects the waterproof coating on outdoor ware.




Quick wash


This program washes a full load of laundry in just 28 minutes.






This program is specifically designed to wash shirts.






This program deals with sports wear, which often contain a mixture of cotton and synthetic fabrics.






This programme has been tested on 24 different types of stain and is better at removing stubborn marks than a standard cotton program.






This is a 15 min program that tumbles up to 2 lbs of dry clothing with intense steam injection to reduce wrinkles up to 58% (tested by internal laboratories).




Daily Xpress


This is a programme that washes a full load in 28 minutes.




Xpress Super Short 14 min


This programme will wash a few lightly soiled cotton garments quickly. It washes 4 lbs of laundry in 14 minutes.




Clean & Wear


A program that washes and removes moisture from 2 lbs of laundry in 2 hours. Perfect for getting one full outfit washed and ready to wear when time is limited.






A Programme that provides cleaning results of a 105 °F wash at just 95 °F, saving 75% of the energy.




Woolmark® Apparel Care Program


A special program that regulates drum movements to prevent harm to or shrinkage of machine-washable woollens.



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