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3 min read

6 maintenance tips to extend the life of your dishwasher

6 Maintenance Tips to Extend the Life of Your Dishwasher
6 Maintenance Tips to Extend the Life of Your Dishwasher



Your dishwasher’s raison d'être is to save you time and effort in keeping you dishes, cutlery and cookware clean, but it’ll need a little TLC from time to time to keep it in perfect condition. Follow these 6 maintenance tips, and your appliance will be doing its job for years to come.





Use your dishwasher regularly


Running your appliance often is actually an excellent way to keep in good shape. It prevents any food debris from settling at the bottom of the dishwasher or in the filter, and you’ll have to go through any deep cleaning process less regularly.





Keep the spray arms clean 


Those spinning spray arms are what give your dishwasher its debris-blasting power, so making sure they’re clean and working properly is key to maintaining this appliance. Food debris or limescale can build up in the nozzles and block them, reducing their cleaning power. Inspect them regularly and use a pin to unblock any blocked nozzle. You should also take them out of the dishwasher and give them a thorough clean every few months.





Keep the filter clean


You’ll find the filter at the bottom of the dishwasher’s tub, and this is what prevents large food particles from getting into the drainage system. However, over time debris can build up, affecting drainage performance and causing unpleasant odors. Be sure to clean the filter once every two to three months. 


Each dishwasher filter is different, so take a look at your user manual to find out how to remove it. If you’re a Beko owner, you can download your user manual with your appliance’s product number. Then you can give it a clean under the tap and put it back in position.


Depending on how heavily you use your dishwasher, you should do this routine at least every two to three months to keep your dishwasher working properly and free of odours. Beko EverClean Filters need up to 4 times less cleaning. A sprinkler system sprays water onto the filter from within, cleaning it from inside out. 





Keep the edges and door seal clean


The edges and door seals on your dishwasher aren’t exposed to water and heat during a cycle, so don’t get cleaned when the appliance is in use. So, every month or so, use a cloth and a non-abrasive cleaning agent to wipe down the edges and door seals. This will prevent the build-up of mould and mildew, or any nasty odor-causing bacteria.





Use dishwasher salt and rinse aid


Using dishwasher salt is important as it helps your appliance handle the hardness of the water in your area and prevents limescale build-up. Be sure to refill the salt container when the indicator light comes on. That said, always use the funnel supplied with your dishwasher, and wipe away any overflowing salt granules or salt water, as these can corrode the inside of the appliance. 




Run the self-cleaning cycle or use a dishwasher cleaner


Keeping your dishwasher in good condition means keeping it clean. Some appliances feature a self-cleaning cycle which use high temperatures to kill any bacteria and give the tub a thorough, deep clean. You should run these cycles once every two months, but make sure the machine is empty before you do.


You can also use a washing machine cleaner. Several are available on the market and will clear away bacteria, lime and food debris build-up. Always read the instructions before use, as they can differ from product to product.




So, there you have it. Follow these tips and you’ll get a longer life out of your dishwasher.



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