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Cleaning Up Plastic Waste One RecycleTub At A Time.
Cleaning Up Plastic Waste One RecycleTub At A Time.

2m read

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 09.28.14
Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 09.28.14

Cleaning Up Plastic Waste One RecycleTub At A Time.


Cleaning Up Plastic Waste One RecycleTub At A Time.


November 15th was National Recycling Day and because Beko prides itself on sustainable practices, we thought that now would be a good time to remind you about the RecycleTub™ technology found in some of our washing machines and washer dryers. 


Designed to do more than just wash clothes, our RecycleTub™  models are a statement of intent in the fight against plastic waste. With up to 60 0.5L recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles used in each washing machine and washer dryer tub produced, this amounts to usage of about 10% worth of tube materials - illustrating what can be achieved when innovation meets sustainability. 


It’s really recycling at its finest: how old discarded plastic bottles are collected and transformed into high-quality materials, which then


become the tubs of your trusty washing machine. How brilliant is that?!


 It’s not just a nod to sustainable practices, it amounts to a full embrace that shows us that it’s possible to have cutting-edge technology without compromising the planet. 


It’s also worth noting that these machines aren't just about being environmentally friendly but they're also about the long haul. They're built to last, ensuring that you'll be enjoying the benefits of your RecycledTub™ model for years and years. It's really a win-win situation.


Imagine knowing that every time you toss in a load, you're also contributing towards a cleaner and healthier planet that future generations can enjoy.


It’s all about healthy living and we know that it’s possible. Through our actions, our products, and our technologies, we strive to continue creating a sustainable environment by reducing our footprint on the planet. 


These machines are our way of trying to champion the fight against plastic waste, while still affording our customers the convenience and efficiency they’ve become accustomed to.   


So, whether you're a laundry pro or someone who's just looking to make a positive change, upgrading your home to any one of our RecycledTub™ models counts as one small step that can lead to a much broader impact.


To find out more about the technology and the products it’s found in, here’s a link you can follow: