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Celebrating World Water Monitoring Day
Celebrating World Water Monitoring Day

2m read

18 September
18 September

Celebrating World Water Monitoring Day



Celebrating World Water Monitoring Day


Water has sustained civilizations for centuries, but as the modern world continues to advance, so do the challenges we face in preserving this precious resource. This is what makes the observation of World Water Monitoring Day so necessary to remind us of the importance of safeguarding our waterways.

Established in 2003, with a purpose as crystal clear as the waters it aims to protect, World Water Monitoring Day encourages us all to

become local water guardians. And it's not just a day of observance - it's also a call to action for us all. Water scarcity isn't a distant issue but a tangible threat that affects us all. 


A primary objective of observing this day is teaching people how to monitor the components of their local water bodies. This helps to equip us all with the tools needed to proactively identify, manage, and prevent water pollution.

Statistics regarding the global water crisis are stark and underline the urgency of the matter, and this is why the global community has set ambitious targets to improve water quality by 2030. 


World Water Monitoring Day is a reminder that these goals are not just aspirations but are imperative in our fight to ensure access to clean water for millions of people around the world. 


At Beko, we prioritise the significance of water management throughout our product manufacturing journey. Our relentless pursuit of a sustainable planet drives us, as we continuously seek to reduce water consumption in our products. 


We've integrated technologies such as AquaTech and AquaIntense into select washing machines and dishwashers to not only deliver exceptional cleaning prowess but also because it plays a key role in our remarkable achievement of conserving 1.35 cubic meters of water over the past eight years.  


To put this into perspective, that amounts to the water usage of nearly 1.7 million households – and this number keeps growing.


Clean water is key to our overall pursuit of a sustainable planet. That is why this is not just about ensuring clean water for our communities, but about securing the foundation for all life forms to flourish. 

Integrated water resources management is a goal that transcends boundaries, fostering cooperation that mirrors the interconnectedness of our world. Through collaboration, we can bridge gaps, share insights, and collectively safeguard this life-sustaining resource.


From the majestic mountains to the serene wetlands, water-related ecosystems are vital cogs in the wheel of our planet's balance. World Water Monitoring Day underscores our responsibility to shield these ecosystems by recognising that the health of our waters directly affects the health of our planet.


Remember, in the symphony of life, water plays the most harmonious note - so let us all ensure that its melody never fades away.