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BEKO World Water Day
BEKO World Water Day

1m read

World Water Day



How much do we know about the importance of fresh water? And the sustainability thereof?


Well, we can never know enough. This month we observe World Water Day as an annual event to raise awareness of tips & tricks of water usage, water saving and water scarcity… we all need to know our water.


It is often in the small things where we find some of our biggest problems, the advantage with this, is that once identified- there is an abundance of solutions that could help save our water.


At Beko, we understand how important water is. Whether you are cleaning, drinking or

gardening- many aspects of our daily lives are centered around water and its usage. For

instance, our dishwashers and washing machines feature energy saving eco-programmes that not only save you time… but water and energy as well.


With more people working from home and households restructuring some of their household needs, sustainability & conservation is a top priority for better living because we care about both the beauty and long lasting solutions for your home.


Fix a few leaks around the house, or maybe consider a low flow showerhead… use a bucket

to wash your car- and/or make it a point to water your lawn more sustainably.


All it really takes is an attitude adjustment around the use of water. Your clothes will still be

spotless, your car will still be clean, your shower can still be refreshing and therapeutic and your lawn could still have that lush greenery.


Let us be aware of our relationship with water to better live like a pro, the future depends on it.