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Healthy Living On A Healthy Planet
Healthy Living On A Healthy Planet

1m read


Healthy Living On A Healthy Planet


Healthy Living On A Healthy Planet

The global community faces numerous environmental challenges, such as climate change, deforestation, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Individuals and companies alike need to take responsibility and contribute to the preservation of our planet.


As one of Europe's top three large home appliance brands and one with an ever-growing global presence, Beko hopes to stand out as the brand of choice by consumers worldwide, as we demonstrate our


continued commitment to the environment through our various sustainable practices and initiatives.


With the rapid change of the earth's climate coming about as a result of human activities, the importance of protecting the environment isn't something that can be lost on any of us, if we are to leave behind a habitable planet for future generations.


As we continue to experience the effects of global warming as temperatures continue to soar, and extreme weather events take place in many parts of the world, all of us need to try to do what we can to protect the biodiversity which is essential for maintaining the ecological balance of the planet, as noted in an article written by the United Nations Convention of Biological Diversity


One of the ways we attempt to protect the environment at Beko is through the use of sustainable technology, as we prioritise energy efficiency in our product designs, which helps us and consumers reduce our carbon footprint.  


We have also implemented a range of environmentally friendly practices to help us achieve our goal of preserving the world's environment. We believe that this is crucial for securing a sustainable future.


We all have the power to make a meaningful difference in this world, and inspire positive change. Every action, every lifestyle choice, and every product we use has an impact on nature, but healthy living is only possible on a healthy planet.


So as we observe #WorldEnvironmentDay today, let's all make sure that we're doing our part where we all can.