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Kitchen Planning Guide: All You Need to Know About Integrated Fridge Freezers
Kitchen Planning Guide: All You Need to Know About Integrated Fridge Freezers

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Kitchen Planning Guide: All You Need to Know About Integrated Fridge Freezers
Kitchen Planning Guide: All You Need to Know About Integrated Fridge Freezers

From perfectly frozen steaks and fresh, crispy vegetables to that beautifully chilled bottle of wine, fridge freezers are amongst the most essential kitchen appliances. But how do you know which is the right option for your home when looking for your new fridge freezer?


Your requirements for integrated fridge freezers in South Africa should be carefully looked at and thought through before you invest in a brand-new model. This will help you decide if you need a freestanding or integrated fridge and freezer, and what added features you want to include, if any.


If you are looking for a quick comparison, keep reading. We will help answer some of your questions and offer some advice about how best to set out your kitchen appliances to suit your everyday needs.


Choosing the Perfect Fridge Freezer


The first step in deciding what new fridge freezer you want to get is to look at your lifestyle. What size do you need to house the weekly grocery shop, or do you prefer a larger freezer to keep frozen meals in? 


How concerned are you about things sticking out in your kitchen? And how do you feel about the edges not being flush? These are factors to look at when deciding between an integrated fridge freezer or a freestanding model. The best thing to do is to look at your current appliance at home and see which parts of it you use the most.


Colour and Style

Depending on your kitchen style, you will want to match your fridge freezer to your décor. If your kitchen is on the more traditional side, then cream is the way to go. 


For modern kitchens, a model with a striking look can fit in well. Silver offers an industrial look, while black can offer contrast and a minimalist effect.  The style of each varies from brand to brand, but standard models feature a sleek look over a vintage-inspired design. 


Size and Capacity

These are very vital factors to consider when looking for a new fridge freezer. Size is generally measured in centimetres and can vary depending on the model you choose. Therefore, you should first measure the space where you plan to place it. 


If you choose a stand-alone fridge, you will need a second space for a freezer, so keep this in mind too. Built-in integrated dimensions are very important to get right, especially if you are trying to fit the new fridge into an existing space. 


On the capacity side, measurements are normally done in litres. However, most retailers will advise how many grocery bags can fit inside each model. A rough estimate is eight bags inside a small model and around 17 in a large one. 



While the size and look are important, it is equally important to look at the functionality of your chosen model. Fridges can vary greatly in their added features, so it is wise to know what you want upfront based on your lifestyle. Some added features offered are:

  • Water or ice dispensers

  • Automatic defrosting or no frost technology

  • Reversible doors

  • Quick chill technology

  • Flexible temperature zones

  • Clean air filters

  • Holiday mode

  • Touch controls

  • Smart technology

  • Adjustable shelving (Should come standard but it is best to double-check)


Energy Ratings

The energy rating on a fridge freezer is key. An American model or a built-in integrated fridge often cost less to run with a higher energy rating. Models between an A+++ and an A are the most efficient.


Freestanding vs Integrate Fridge Freezers in South Africa

One of the biggest debates around fridge freezers is often freestanding vs integrated. So, what are the pros and cons of each model, and why would you choose one or the other?



An integrated fridge freezer is built-in to the kitchen cabinets. This helps your appliance blend into the rest of your kitchen by hiding behind the cabinet doors. It is a popular choice for those who like the sleek and streamlined look.


There are two installation types for built-in integrated refrigeration. A Beko fridge in South Africa is a good idea, but you can choose from fixed or sliding models. This determines how the doors are fitted to the fridge and the cabinets. 


There are several pros and cons to built-in fridge freezers. The positives are:

  • They offer a hidden, sleek look

  • Fits neatly with cabinets

  • Can be customized to match your kitchen

  • Installed permanently

On the downside, there are a few reasons that an integrated fridge freezer may not suit you. Here’s why:

  • They are pricier

  • Extra cost to install the housing unit

  • Maintenance is tricky due to removal and access to the fridge

  • Less capacity

  • Professional installation required



Freestanding fridge freezers are self-explanatory, but they do not need to be fitted into a cupboard. They can be placed anywhere in your kitchen, and there are no exposed elements that need to be covered.


One of the reasons they are so popular is that there are so many size options. You can pick and choose what works for you, although they do not fit as neatly into your kitchen as integrated full fridges and freezers. 


The benefits of freestanding are

  • More affordable

  • Easy to install and move

  • Can go anywhere

  • More size options

  • Can include water or ice dispensers

  • Side can remain exposed

  • Easy maintenance 

  • Can move if you move


There are disadvantages as well, and these include having your appliance visible and on show all the time, as well as not blending seamlessly into your kitchen. Freestanding models are often noisier as there are no doors to muffle the sound. 


Plan Your Kitchen

Space and budget are the two biggest contributing factors when it comes to kitchen design. The appliances you choose will also depend a lot on your lifestyle, and your cooking style, as well as your preference. 


The most significant area in your kitchen is the “golden triangle”- the area between the sink, the fridge, and your stove. Make sure you can move easily through this space, and access what you need comfortably. 


When it comes to fridge freezers, there are a few things to consider when you are planning your kitchen. Remember that a double door fridge freezer has plenty of space, but it also takes up more room than a bottom freezer fridge model or built-in combi fridge


If you are on a budget, shop around for good deals on different products, but always make sure you read the reviews first. This will help you make an educated decision when it comes to fridge freezers, built-in integrated or freestanding. 


Making the Choice

Planning your kitchen remodel, or simply upgrading your fridge freezer can be a lot of fun. So, don’t let the task of deciding which fridge freezer combo you should buy get in the way of enjoying the process.


The integrated option offers a sleek and finished look to any kitchen, and it's no wonder it is a popular choice. Who doesn’t like a secret hiding place for their fridge in the kitchen cupboards? 


If you would like any assistance looking for the best-integrated fridge freezers in South Africa,  give us a call today. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.