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Freestanding vs Built-in Oven: What’s Best for My Kitchen?
Freestanding vs Built-in Oven: What’s Best for My Kitchen?

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Freestanding vs Built-in Oven: What’s Best for My Kitchen?

If you were asked which room was the central hub of your home, which offered connectivity to your friends and family, what would your answer be? If your immediate thought wasn’t your kitchen, then maybe it’s time to look at yours and see why not!


Kitchens are where all the good food comes from, where the warm and homely smells start, and where great coffee is brewed. And because most of these require one, the debate of a freestanding vs built-in oven is a hot topic – pun intended! 


If you are thinking about changing your kitchen, or even just your oven, keep reading. We are going to look at why each oven is popular, and which one is the best option in your kitchen.


Freestanding Ovens


Considered to be the more “traditional” set-up, a freestanding oven is exactly as its name imagines – an all-in-one cooker that stands on its legs. With a cooktop on top and an oven underneath, these are what we think of when we picture ovens. 


One of the benefits of freestanding products is that they offer a multifunction appliance that slots neatly into a space in your kitchen. Freestanding ovens make a nice focal point in your kitchen and can be easily matched to your décor. You can opt for a gas or electric oven, whichever you prefer and most offer an easy or self-clean option. 


Despite what you may think, buying a freestanding hob/oven combo will not make your kitchen look dated. They offer a homelier look than a wall-mounted oven and you may find this comforting. 



You can move them around the kitchen when renovating, and you can take them with you if you decide to sell your house, so you won't have to buy a new one every time you move. They also come in single or double ovens, so they are flexible in more ways than one.


Built-In Ovens


Again, the name is self-explanatory, but built-in ovens are cookers that fit neatly into a kitchen cabinet. They are fixed units and normally a 600mm oven (60cm) but can range in size between 45cm and 90cm. 


While they are not the first choice if you want an oven feature in the kitchen, they are great if you are opting for a minimalist or modern look. You have a choice of conventional, fan or multifunction built-in oven with steam-assisted cooking.


They are also very convenient because built-in oven installation can be done at any height that gives you the best access. The most common heights are either eye-level or hip height – or one of each!


And the same applies to the hob; because it is a separate unit you can place it wherever is most convenient for you. 


The best built-in oven brands offer the bonus of storage space underneath your countertop, and you can access this easily while you are prepping meals. If you prefer less clutter in your kitchen, without too many appliances on your countertops then built-in ovens are the way to go for you. 




As you are installing two separate units, you have the option of variety. If you prefer a gas cooktop and an electric oven, then the built-in option is a wonderful way to go. 


While gas is a slightly bulkier installation, it is highly functional but if you prefer a sleeker look you can choose a ceramic electric option. It is dependent on preference and cooking style!


Many homes pair them with a microwave for extra convenience. This is a great way to keep your kitchen surfaces neat. 


Which Suits My Kitchen?


Do you have your heart set on one kind of oven, but worry about how it will work in your kitchen? Or are you on the fence about which oven you prefer? This is understandable because there is no right or wrong choice!


However, a closer look at your kitchen may help you narrow the options down a little bit. 


Kitchen Size


Probably the most pertinent thing to take into consideration when deciding on an oven is space. If you have a tiny kitchen, then free-standing cookers may take up space that you could put to better use. If you have an enormous kitchen, then a freestanding oven may make a nice feature.


Keep in mind that built-in ovens don’t have cooktops, so you will need to find some countertop space for this as well. If you have limited countertop space, then maybe built-in should not be your first option.


Oven Size


Something that we very seldom take into consideration is the size of the oven. Not all ovens are the same size, and if you had a smaller size previously your pans and baking sheets may have been bought to fit that. The last thing you want to do is to install your oven only to find you have to replace all your baking trays!


You can also consider a double oven if you need a bit more space.


These are a smart choice if you are an avid baker or love to entertain.




This may seem like an odd thing to think about, after all, ovens just come in white, black, or silver, right? Not anymore! Metallic finishes such as gold or copper are becoming popular, and some companies offer a range of bright ovens if you like the retro look and want to match your oven to your appliances.


It is a clever idea to match your stove to any existing appliances such as a dishwasher or microwave. If you have an open plan kitchen, then take into consideration the colours of the adjoining rooms as well. 




As with most things, price is a key factor. A basic single built-in oven is most likely to cost much less than a double oven with a convection feature. Luckily, there are so many different options available you will be able to find your dream oven to meet all your needs. 


What Else Do I Need to Know?


The above cover all the principal areas you should take into consideration, but there are always a couple of things that sneak by. So, what else do you need to know as a buying guide for freestanding or built-in ovens in South Africa?

  • Built-in ovens can be an issue to move once installed

  • Freestanding ovens need to be near a power source

  • Professionals should install both 

  • Cleaning around freestanding ovens can be tricky due to things falling between the oven and counter 


Freestanding vs Built-in Oven

Each kitchen needs an oven, but which one is the best for you? The right way to settle the battle of freestanding vs built-in oven when it comes to your kitchen is to consult your kitchen! 


The space available and layout will point you in the right direction, and after that - well it’s just down to personal preference.


If you have questions about built-in versus freestanding, or any oven type in particular give us a call today. One of our friendly team will be happy to help you out. 




What is an integrated oven?

  • An integrated oven is an oven that is built into the kitchen cabinetry, creating a seamless and streamlined look.
  • They can be installed at eye level or under the counter, depending on your preference and kitchen design.


How do I install an integrated oven?

  • It's best to hire a professional to install your integrated oven to ensure it is done correctly and safely.
  • The installation process involves removing the old oven, preparing the space, and fitting the new oven into the cabinetry.


What is the difference between an integrated oven and a built-in oven?

  • The terms "integrated oven" and "built-in oven" are often used interchangeably, but technically, a built-in oven can also refer to an oven that is installed in a cabinet, but not fully integrated with the cabinetry.
  • An integrated oven is designed to fit seamlessly with the cabinetry, with the oven door being flush with the surrounding cabinets.


How do I clean my integrated oven?

  • Akways read the manual regarding the correct cleaning products for your oven. If you've chosen one of Beko's built-in ovens such as BIS25300GRD, you'll have a steam cleaning function that uses steam to loosen dirt and grime, making it easier to wipe clean.
  • To use the steam cleaning function, simply pour water into the bottom of the oven and select the steam cleaning setting.


What are the benefits of an integrated oven?

  • An integrated oven provides a sleek and modern look to your kitchen.
  • They save space, as they don't take up any additional floor space, and are often more energy-efficient than standalone ovens.


How do I choose the right size integrated oven for my kitchen?

  • Consider the size of your kitchen and the amount of cooking you do.
  • Integrated ovens come in a range of sizes, from compact ovens for small kitchens to larger ovens for larger families or avid home cooks.


What is the average lifespan of an integrated oven?

  • The average lifespan of an integrated oven is around 10-15 years.
  • Proper maintenance and cleaning can help prolong the lifespan of your oven.