Where would we be without our fridges and freezers?
Most likely we’d be down with some sort of food poisoning or malnutrition considering our warm climate here in sunny SA.
If you’re in the market for a fridge, freezer, or a combination of the two, you’ll agree that there are so many options available these days that we are quite spoiled for choice.
In this article we are taking a look at one area that we field many questions on; the difference between a frost-free and an auto-defrost freezer. Whether you have a side-by-side fridge or a top freezer fridge, do you know whether your fridge freezer is frost-free or auto-defrost?
And what is the difference?
There are certain benefits to having a frost-free fridge freezer, and they are worth knowing about. While most modern freezers are frost-free, your older model may be an auto defrost. But how do you tell the difference?
Keep reading to answer these questions!
Frost-Free vs Auto Defrost
You may never have given it a second thought, but how often do you have to defrost your trusty fridge freezer? This can be a rather time-consuming task, especially if your model is on the older side.
With such a range to choose from though, the idea of going out to compare the best fridge freezers in South Africa may seem a bit daunting. Briefly, you can see the comparison below – let’s look at the frost-free option first:
Available in chest and upright styles
Very little maintenance required
Can be noisier
Less energy efficient
A little more costly
14-year lifespan
Installation is the same as auto-defrost models
While this may not seem to be in favour of frost-free, you will free up a lot of time without having to defrost your freezer periodically. The auto defrost option
Available in chest and upright styles
Generally costs less
More energy efficient
14-year lifespan
Time and labour intensive to defrost
Installation is the same as for frost-free models
How They Work
While the above list doesn’t leave much between the two options, it may be a good idea to know how either option works before you head to the store. At the end of the day, the decision will be based more on whether you have more time or more money to spare!
The frost in freezers occurs because of the moisture floating around inside. This moisture enters the freezer when the door is opened and closed. Inside the appliance, it then sticks to the coldest surface available. (This is normally the walls of your freezer.)
In traditional freezers, a thick layer of ice forms and if it is not removed regularly you will begin to have a problem with the way the fridge and freezer keep food cold.
Frost – Free
The frost-free (or self-defrost) option works with a dynamic cooling system. Products such as the 84cm Inova Combi Fridge are a great choice if you are looking for a fridge freezer combination. The self-defrosting cycle needs no helping hand from you as there are coils inside the freezer that heat up at intervals, preventing the build-up of ice. There is no button to press or reminder to set – the cycle is there and does its job without any interference.
Because of the time saved manually defrosting, these options are considered by many to be the best fridge freezer choice, as well as one of the most convenient household appliances to have. Many of the latest models – not all – come with frost-free technology.
Auto Defrost
The manual defrost or auto-defrost choice needs a lot more time commitment. With no automatic heating options, you must periodically melt off the ice build-up as if the frost builds up too much, the freezer will not work properly.
The cooling systems on these freezers are direct, or fan assisted cooling, so no fancy technology here. If you have a lot of time on your hands and don’t mind the lengthy defrost process, then the other benefits such as cost, and energy efficiency may lead you in this direction.
Installing Your Freezer
No matter the option you go with, the setup process is the same to get them up and running. Make sure you have measured the space first, so you know that it fits, and there is no risk of damaging doors or sides, especially if you like double door fridges! To get the best out of your appliance, it should always be plugged into its outlet with an appropriate voltage rating.
The Nitty Gritty
Now you have your basic understanding of the two main differences between fridge freezers. But these are not the only things to look at when you are shopping around. There are a few key differences in the way they run, how much time they will take up and what they cost, and you should look at all of these before you make your final decision.
Maintenance and Repairs
When it comes to maintaining and repairing fridge freezers, the winner is hands down the frost-free fridge freezer. While there are a few tiny snags such as the location of the drip tray, the only other thing you need to keep an eye out for is cracks in the pipes.
Once you realize the time that you spent manually defrosting your appliance, you will be sold on the modern convenience of the self-defrosting fridge. Pulling off large chunks of ice and draining litres of water will be nothing but a distant memory!
Energy Efficiency
Probably the biggest downside of the frost-free appliances is that they are less energy-efficient than their older cousins. Fridge freezers are measured by a sliding scale, from A+++ to G. A+++ fridge freezers in South Africa are the most energy-efficient, with those rated G being the least.
If energy efficiency is important in your product choice, look for an A+ energy rating fridge freezer or higher. The Beko fridge freezer range is all A+ and A++ rated and frost-free and includes everything from bottom freezer fridges to the stylish French door fridge freezer.
The Noise Factor
The downside of the self-defrosting fridge freezer is that it is always working. So, you have the constant noise of the cycles doing their thing, and this comes with a range of popping, whooshing and crackling noises that can bother some people. But since most freezers are not placed in an area where noise is a key feature, many people accept this as a quirk.
This doesn’t mean to say that the noise of a manual defrost freezer is non-existent. The newer models have higher compressor speeds which can be noisy at times, but overall, they are the quieter option if this is a requirement for you.
What’s Your Verdict?
Now that you have a nice comparison between both the frost-free option and the manual defrosting freezer, you can make the choice about which suits your lifestyle and your budget. And this is really what it boils down to at the end of the day – that and personal preference as there is no clear “better” option!
If you would like to know more about our range of fridge freezers or have any questions give us a call today. Our friendly team are waiting to assist you in any way they can.