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 Homemade Pizza Recipe - Mom’s Special Margherita
 Homemade Pizza Recipe - Mom’s Special Margherita

1m read

beko_25 Octobe
beko_25 Octobe
 Homemade Pizza Recipe - Mom’s Special Margherita


Lunch or Dinner




35 Mins

For the base:


  • 300g bread flour
  • 1 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp olive oil


For the tomato sauce:


  • 100ml passata

  • handful of fresh basil or 1 tsp dried basil

  • 1 garlic clove, crushed


    For the topping:


  • 125g ball mozzarella, sliced

  • handful of grated or shaved parmesan cheese (you can use a vegan alternative)

  • handful of cherry tomatoes, halved


    To finish:


  • a handful of basil leaves (optional)


STEP BY STEP: Making the base


  1. Make the base by putting the flour into a large bowl, then stir in the yeast and salt. 

  2. Make a well in the bowl by pouring in 200ml of warm water and olive oil, and bring it all together with a wooden spoon until you have soft, fairly wet dough.   

  3. Turn onto a lightly floured and knead until smooth. This will usually take 5 minutes or less. 

  4. Cover with a tea towel and set aside. 


 STEP BY STEP: Making the sauce


  1. Mix the passata, basil and crushed garlic together while seasoning to taste. Then leave to stand at room temperature while you get on with shaping the base. 


 STEP BY STEP: Rolling out the dough


  1. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough on your floured surface making the dough as thin as possible - this is because it will rise in the oven. 

  2. Lift the rolled out round, and place onto a floured baking sheet.


 STEP BY STEP: Add toppings and bake


  1. Heat your 60cm Anthracite Multifunction Built-in Oven to 240° C, but with PizzaPro, you can get it up to 310° C.

  2. Place a baking sheet or upturned baking tray in the oven, and smooth the sauce over the base using the back of a spoon. 

  3. Add your toppings by scattering cheese, tomatoes, seasoning, and drizzling olive oil. 

  4. Bake for 10 minutes and serve when ready.




    You can add many more toppings such as olives, jalapenos, spinach, roasted red peppers and sliced mushrooms based on the dietary requirements of the people you’ll be sharing with ;)