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Sustainability at Beko. A healthier planet for a healthier future.

Nature in everything we do

We are more connected than ever before. We understand that healthy living is only possible on a healthy planet.


Harnessing nature's power

Our journey starts with our sustainable raw material selection which is followed by bold actions in production. Rainwater harvesting, green electricity, recycled and bio-based material usage are just some of the ways in which we connect nature to Beko.

Our mission to manufacture environmentally friendly products is at the heart what we do. Efficient manufacturing processes using modern technologies allow us to create products that consider the past and shape the future of manufacturing.

352,844 m3
of water saved in 2020*

1.98 million m3
of water saved via water efficiency and
rainwater harvesting projects between 2010 and 2020*

238 energy efficient
projects in global production
operations applied only in 2020*

We are committed to deepening the sustainable scope of our plant activities to minimise our lasting impact on the planet. We have set ambitious targets to achieve resource efficiency in production, by 2030, in order to meet our sustainability goals.

reduction in production energy consumption and water withdrawal, per product*

green electricity in manufacturing processes*

water recycling*

waste recycling*

USD 50 million
investment in renewable energy
and energy efficiency


BioCycle Waste doesn’t have to be wasted

Egg shell waste and sustainable bio-based plastics are used to create key components in our BioCycle refrigerators.

Our BioCycle refrigerators blend natural resources with new technology to produce more sustainable appliances and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Egg trays are made from a combination of 20% eggshell waste and 80% bio-based plastics. Whilst, door seals and fan covers are created from bio-based plastics, sustainably derived from natural sources such as sugarcane and corn starch.


RecycledNet Trapping plastic waste

Protecting marine life by turning redundant fishing nets into our RecycledNet ovens.

The deaths of over 300,000 sea creatures are attributable to discarded fishing nets. This devastating figure is one of the reasons why in 2019 and 2020, Beko used 71 tonnes of fishing net and industrial thread waste* to help create the door décor plastic and inner and outer display covers for our RecycledNet ovens. Repurposing this kind of plastic helps to keep our seas healthier.


RecycledTub Cleaning up plastic waste

Using recycled plastic bottles to make our RecycledTub washing machines and washer dryers

We are helping to address plastic bottle pollution by repurposing them into our RecycledTub washing machine products. Our patented technology allows us to flake recycled plastic bottles so that they can be reused to create new appliances, which cuts down generation of new plastics. We gave 39 million recycled plastic bottles new life in our RecycledTub washing machines and washer dryers, in 2019 and 2020*.


RecycledDry Tackling single use plastic waste

Repurposing waste plastics to make our RecycledDry tumble dryers.

Plastic waste is a threat to our planet. We are helping to diminish this threat by using waste plastics to create our RecycledDry tumble dryers. By using existing plastics, we are preventing unnecessary manufacturing of new plastics, whilst reducing the amount of unusable plastic. We used 2420 tonnes of waste plastics to make our RecycledDry tumble dryers in 2019 and 2020*.


BioCoffee More than just waste

Using coffee ground waste to create our BioCoffee™ Espresso machines.

Our BioCoffee™ Espresso machines offer a more sustainable way to enjoy a cup of coffee. The coffee ground waste we incorporate into the bio-composite material used to create our machines, reduces the amount of plastic in our appliances. The coffee grounds can be seen on the outer shell of our appliances - a visual reminder that waste can be more than just waste.

Taking the greener road to a healthier planet

Cutting emissions to help the planet breathe easier

Our emission reductive transportation solutions include a shift towards rail and maritime movement, and our nature-friendly packaging helps keep our planet healthy.

100% recycled

cardboard packaging

502,135 trees

saved in 2020

29,537 tonnes

of recycled cardboard used in 2020*

We are continually revising and developing transportation and delivery strategies, in order to diminish our CO2 emissions and reduce our carbon footprint as much as we can. Much of our product packaging uses recycled constituents for protection in transit. Some of this packaging is then repurposed as appliance components, cutting waste and emissions even further.

109 tonnes

of CO2 e GHG emissions prevented*

88% of exports

transported by water in 2020*

4.2% increase

in rail transportation in 2020*

We realise the impact that product delivery can have on carbon emissions. We have taken great strides in reducing our emission output by improving the way in which our products are globally distributed. Our maritime and rail approach allows us to transport our products across the planet in a more nature-friendly way.


Sustainably considered products at your fingertips

Beko invites you to come and share this journey by making sustainability the easy choice. Our energy efficient products help you save vital resources - come join us in making the planet a healthier place.

At Beko we believe our products should embody our sustainability goals

Our customers can effortlessly bring sustainability into their daily lives and make their contribution to our plight, simply by choosing Beko.


reduction in absolute use of sold product emissions by 2030 - Science Based Target Initiative**


turnover from energy efficient products*

HeatPump Explained

Energy Hero Dishwasher 10% higher energy efficiency than the best energy class. An energy hero with ultimate performance!

Beko’s innovative heat pump technology efficiently heats cleaning water throughout the entire washing cycle. This is coupled with automatic door opening, using natural airflow to dry dishes once the cycle is complete – making this one of the highest energy efficient dishwashers in the market.


Up to 52% energy saving

AquaTech® Explained

AquaTech 50% faster & gentler performance, beyond energy standards.

Faster washing machines are expected to consume more energy and cause damages on the clothes. Beko’s energy efficient Aquatech technology sprays a premixed water and detergent solution directly onto fabrics, reducing wash time and facilitating a gentler wash using the natural power of water.


Up to 30% greater energy saving than the best energy class

Split & Cook Explained

Split & Cook Split the space, split the energy.

Split&Cook provides upper and lower modular spaces within the oven, which create individual zones that can be set to different temperatures or turned off entirely. This allows two meals to be cooked at different temperatures at the same time, or one solitary zone can be heated, reducing energy consumption.


2 individual temperature zones available with Split&Cook

Technology Explained

Energy Efficient Dishwasher Using up to 25% less energy.

Conventional dishwashers heat up the entire interior during the washing and drying process. With Beko’s patented technology, new Energy Efficient Dishwasher heats up only the surface of the dishes to obtain energy savings of up to 25% in all programs.


Up to 25% in energy saving

Our recycling plants

Making our mark by leaving nothing behind


GWh of energy saved*


tonnes of CO2 emissions prevented*


million tonnes of water saved*

We are invested in reducing waste and contributing to a circular economy.

We collect old products from the market, regardless of their brand, and replace them with new, energy and water efficient ones through our widespread network of authorised dealers and service shops. Our association with Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Recycling Plants enables us to recycle the old products and give them second life. Less waste. Less emissions. More progress.

Healthier living for future generations

Our partnerships and technologies support people to lead healthier lifestyles on a healthier planet.

Eat Like a Pro by Beko

Championing healthy lifestyles and inspiring change for children

Beko teamed up with FC Barcelona (FCB), Fenerbahçe Men’s Basketball Team and Esports LEC to educate children about healthy nutrition and to tackle childhood obesity.

Simulating the sun cycle

HarvestFresh Products promoting healthy living
Simulating the natural sun cycle to keep fruit and veg fresh

Beko’s HarvestFresh™ Simulating the sun cycle

HarvestFresh™ refrigerators use innovative 3-colour technology that mimics the 24-hour sun cycle inside the crisper drawer, to support healthy living. This technology preserves vitamins found in fresh fruit and vegetables, for longer.

Steam Technology

SteamSolutions Healthier living tastes good
Our SteamSolution ovens offer a healthy way to enrich food

SteamSolutions - Healthier living tastes good

Beko’s SteamSolutions ovens support healthy living by bringing professional level steam cooking technology to the everyday home cook. Steam cooking technology provides a healthier way of retaining essential nutrients, enriching food with moisture to enhance its aroma, texture and colour, without compromising on taste.

Making change

Partnered with UNICEF to advocate a better diets for school-age children across Latin Americas

We used education and informative platforms to motivate and empower children to make healthier choice.


teachers trained


children directly reached

Beko’s healthier lifestyles educational outreach programme in partnership with UNICEF, fights against childhood obesity via school-based interventions.

Our programmes aimed to empower children about the importance of nutritious and safe diets and provided hands-on training for teachers to promote healthy eating habits and active lifestyle amongst their students.

*Figures, actions, and targets by parent company Arçelik.

**Revised to decrease 50.4% greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5 celcius degree scenario – at the approval stage.

Intertek performed 7-day laboratory testing on vitamin C and vitamin A measurements in direct light exposed tomato and green pepper.

Partnered with UNICEF between 2018-2020.

Real Leaders logo

Real Leaders Top 200

Beko has ranked 20th in The Real Leaders Top 200 Impact Companies of 2022.

S&P Global logo

86 out of 100

Arçelik, which is Beko’s parent company achieved the highest score (86/100) in its industry in the 2021 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment.

CDP logo

Arçelik received A

As Beko, we are proud of our parent company Arçelik for receiving A- in the CDP 2021 Climate Change and Water Security Programs by reporting its operations in Turkey.

Sustainanalytics logo

Low ESG Risk Rating

In December 2021, Beko’s parent company Arçelik received an ESG Risk Rating of 12.1 by Sustainanalytics and was assessed to be at the low level risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors.

Ecovadis logo

Gold Medal in 2021

As Beko, we are extremely proud of our parent company received Gold Medal by Ecovadis in 2021.