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We empower new generations

to live healthier

We empower new generations to live healthier
We empower new generations to live healthier

Our journey started in 1955 when large home appliances first became a fixture in every household. Over the past 60 years, we’ve made it a point to change the lives of our customers with innovating products that both meet their needs and are more sustainable for the environment.


Our desire to innovate for the good of our customers and the environment has already taken quite us a long way.


We are a global brand which operates in more than 135 countries today. We are also the fastest-growing brand in the European large white goods market with a wide range of innovative and sustainable products. All these experiences and our brand heritage has made us one of the top 3 large home appliance brands in Europe*.


And we keep innovating for an even healthier generation and a healthier planet.

Satisfied customers

We’ve built on our 60+ years of experience and innovation, which led to us becoming...


Large home appliance brands in Europe


Committed employees


Countries served

Our purpose
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Our aim is to empower new generations to live healthier.


We want to inspire everyone to Live like a Pro. A Pro is not necessarily a professional athlete. Everyone can be a Pro, each in their own way, from the way they handle family matters to the way they cook or protect environment.


Inspired by our passion to impact people’s lives through our technologies, we want to democratize the healthy lifestyle.


This can be through products which support healthy lifestyle or which help to save time for healthy activities or with technologies that are more sustainable for healthier environment and so healthier people.

Our first global initiative


to fight childhood obesity:



Our First Global Initiative to fight childhood obesity: #EatLikeAPro


In 2017, we launched a global initiative to combat the dramatic rise in the rates of childhood obesity across the globe: Eat Like A Pro.


The objective of #EatLikeAPro is to help parents in getting the children to eat healthier. Knowing that children always do what their heroes do, we joined forces with famous athletes from all around the world to show how the biggest stars got to where they are by using every health benefit to maximize their performance.




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Getting kids to eat healthy takes a long time. That is why HarvestFresh™ simulates natural 24-hours sun cycle to preserve vitamins for longer. 

Beko & Sustainability:


Because Healthy living is only possible on a healthy planet.

Every action you take for being healthy / living like a pro,  depends on planet’s health as well.


Because healthy living means healthy people on a healthy planet


Beko empowers people to live healthier with technologies that are more sustainable for the environment and underline that there’s an intimate connection between us and the planet.

*Source Euromonitor International Limited: Consumer Appliances 2022 ed., ‘a leading brand’ defined as one of the top 3 in Europe, retail volume, based on 2021 data.
