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results (22)


Fridge (Table Top, 93 L)

Fridge (Table Top, 93 L) RS9052S
  • Led Illumination: clear view of the inside
  • Safety Glass: high-durability glass shelves that carry up to 25 kg
  • Reversible Door: adjustable door direction


Fridge Freezer (Multi-door, 90.9 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Multi-door, 90.9 cm) GNO51651GBVN
  • MultiZone: fridge to freezer with one touch
  • Active Odour Filter: unwanted odours & bacteria reduced
  • ProSmart Inverter Compressor: high efficiency, high durability, low noise


Fridge Freezer (Side by Side, 91.4 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Side by Side, 91.4 cm) GNO62251GBVN
  • ProSmart Inverter Compressor: high efficiency, high durability, low noise
  • Led Illumination: clear view of the inside
  • Safety Glass: high-durability glass shelves that carry up to 25 kg


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm) RDNT271I50VHFSK
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm) RDNT251I50VHFK
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
  • Active Odour Filter: unwanted odours & bacteria reduced


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm) RDNT201I50VK
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
  • Active Odour Filter: unwanted odours & bacteria reduced
  • ProSmart Inverter Compressor: high efficiency, high durability, low noise


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm) RDNT231I50VHFK
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
  • Active Odour Filter: unwanted odours & bacteria reduced


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm) RDNT231I50VHFU
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
  • Active Odour Filter: unwanted odours & bacteria reduced


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm) RDNT251I50VHFU
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
  • Active Odour Filter: unwanted odours & bacteria reduced


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 54 cm) RDNT271I50VHFSU
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm) RDNT401E50VZDHFSU
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm) RDNT401E50VZHFSGB
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm) RDNT401I50VDHFSK
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm) RDNT371E50VZDHFSU
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer


Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm)

Fridge Freezer (Freezer Top, 66 cm) RDNT371E50VZHFSGB
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
results (22)