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Remove bad odours inside your dishwasher
Remove bad odours inside your dishwasher

5m read

Is that smell coming from my dishwasher?

Is that smell coming from my dishwasher?
Is that smell coming from my dishwasher?

Beko’s IonGuard® technology uses a fan and a hidden ionizer to circulate fresh air and remove bad odors inside your dishwasher without the use of harmful gasses or chemicals


The most used white wares at home, an indispensable part of kitchen cleaning, the dishwasher starts to smell from time to time for various reasons. Let's look at the reasons together...


1- Keeping the dishes for a long time without washing them


In families that aren’t overcrowded, the dishwasher isn’t filled immediately. A few days delay in washing while waiting for it to fill will cause odor in the dishwasher.


2- Congesting of dishwasher filter


The filter, which filters the dirty water flowing from the dishes, should be cleaned frequently. Filters that are not cleaned frequently will cause clogging in the pipes and the food residues accumulating there will cause odor.


3- Lubricating the dirty water hose of the dishwasher


Among the dishes washed daily, there are excessively greasy dishes. These oils, which stick to the dirty water hose during washing, can cause clogging in the sinks, flooding, and bad odors in the kitchen.


Without regular cleaning, these bad odors can quickly get out of control. In fact, there are simple ways to protect your machine for longer and avoid bad odors.


Always keep your filter clean


For to do this, remove the bottom shelf of the dishwasher and open the filter cover. Remove the filter by lifting it up, rubbing gently with a non-abrasive cloth or brush and rinse under running warm water. And put it in place. This simple step can often overcome all odors with ease.


Remove odors with natural cleaning methods


Vinegar, which is used in almost all kinds of cleaning of the house, if added to the dishwasher during washing, will both prevent limescale formation and clean the inside of the dishwasher. Apart from washing, vinegar mixed with water to clean the inside of the machine is applied to the dirty areas with the help of a cloth. Thanks to the vinegar, you will see that the dirt is removed without difficulty. The vinegar smell is not permanent, it will disappear soon after contact with air.


Or the baking soda diluted with lemon is rubbed into the empty dishwasher with the help of a cloth, you can see that the inside of the machine is cleaned without rubbing it too much. The baking soda in the dishwasher, which is also run empty, will allow the lemon mixture to contact the pipes and clean the pipes. It is also a healthy and effective method for machine cleaning, lime removal and bad odors by putting baking soda in the dishwashing detergent dispenser and running it.


IonGuard neutralizes and removes dishwasher smell from inside your dishwasher without the use of harmful chemicals or gases. IonGuard makes sure you do revisit last night’s dinner when you put away your breakfast dishes.

How to prevent unpleasant dishwasher smell?
How to prevent unpleasant dishwasher smell?

How to prevent unpleasant dishwasher smell?


Clean your machine monthly. Use only dishwasher detergent in the dishwasher and follow the manufacturer's recommended amounts. If you're not running the dishwasher on a daily basis, run a rinse cycle to remove any leftover food particles between cleanings.

What should I do first when my dishwasher starts to smell?
What should I do first when my dishwasher starts to smell?

What should I do first when my dishwasher starts to smell?


Depending on your frequency of use, we recommend that you run your machine empty every 4 or 6 months. Running your machine empty ensures that your device functions effectively and removes odor. If you do not properly care for your device, the parts around the areas made of plastic may smell.

How does Beko IonGuard technology help prevent odors?
How does Beko IonGuard technology help prevent odors?

How does Beko IonGuard technology help prevent odors?


Previous washes may leave unpleasant odors in your dishwasher. IonGuard® technology uses a fan and a concealed ionizer to circulate clean air and remove odors from your dishwasher without the use of harmful gases or chemicals. So your dishwasher always stays clean.