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Short break coffee
Short break coffee

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Short break coffee

Meet your new friend:

Short Break Coffee Recipe

You wouldnt say no to a delicious coffee recipe either? The recipe that will help you get rid of the tiredness of that day was born just for these moments. This combination of ingredients produces a wonderfully fragrant and flavorful cup of coffee. The orange peel

and lemon peel add a bright and citrusy note to the coffee, while the dried lavender imparts a delicate floral aroma. This is a perfect coffee to enjoy on a leisurely morning or afternoon.


Specialty Coffees




10 MIN.


  • 400 ml water
  • 10 g ground coffee
  • 1 orange peel
  • 1 lemon peel
  • ½ tsp dried lavender

Step by Step:


1. To a glass bowl, add water, coffee, orange, and lemon peel and lavender.

2. Stir gently until the coffee dissolves. Cover it with a towel and let it rest for about

6 hours.

3. To serve, pour 80 ml of coffee brewed for 6 hours into glasses filled with ice and

top with cold water. Enjoy!