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Mix Nuts Brownie
Mix Nuts Brownie

1m read

Mix Nuts Brownie

A recipe you won't regret after eating: It is called ‘A Fit Brownie’


There is no one who does not love brownie. But what if we made it with minimum butter and flour? We make it healthier, and it does not lose anything from its taste.


A healthy brownie with a crispy top and a soft inside. Perfect for those who want to eat dessert while dieting. Because it is not high calorie like regular brownies. It is very enjoyable to make a diet with this recipe. You could eat the fit brownie either after your dinner or in your afternoon tea and cheer up your day.


Now le's move on to the recipe:


Healthy Desserts




35 MIN.


  •  110 g butter
  •  115 g milk chocolate
  •  120 g dark chocolate chips
  •  25 g hazelnuts
  •  50 g walnuts
  •  25 g cashews
  •  50 g stevia
  •  4 eggs
  •  95 g plain flour
  •  1 tsp vanilla extract
  •  A pinch of salt

Step by step


1. Grease baking dish and line bottom of dish with non-stick baking parchment.

2. In glass jug or bowl, place butter and chocolate and melt with bain-marie

technique and until melted, stirring once. Remove from heat and stir until


3. To chocolate mixture, add stevia and eggs; beat until well blended.

4. Stir in flour, vanilla, and salt until smooth.

5. Spoon into baking dish.

6. To a food processor. Add hazelnuts, walnuts, and cashews. Pulse/process to

crumble the ingredients.

7. Sprinkle over chocolate chips and all nuts.

8. Pre heat the oven 180C° and cook for 18 minutes

9. Then take rice brownie from the oven and let it cool down. Enjoy!