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Chocolate Truffle Balls with Dates
Chocolate Truffle Balls with Dates

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Chocolate Truffle Balls with Dates

Make your evening sweet and healthier with


This rich, decadent chocolate truffle is made with only the finest ingredients, including dark chocolate, fresh dates, and a hint of orange zest. The result is a delicious treat that is perfect for any occasion. The chocolate truffle is handmade in small batches to ensure quality and freshness. The dates add a lovely sweetness to the truffle, while the orange zest gives it a beautiful zing. Not only are these quick and easy to make, they require 7 ingredients, 10 minutes, and 1 food processor. Don’t forget to mention; Beko Hand Blender Set gives you 1 L Glass Chopping Bowl and 12 speed settings to make it easier.

Lets look at this recipe:


Healthy Desserts




15 MIN.


● 200 g chopped almonds

● 15 large dates

● 30 g rolled oats

● 20 g cocoa powder

● 1 tsp orange and lime zest

● 100 g dark chocolate

● 10 g hazelnut paste

● A pinch of sea salt

Step by step


1. Add chopped almonds, rolled oats, cocoa powder, and salt, to a chopping bowl and

process to crumble the ingredients.

2. Remove the date seeds, soak warm water for 10 minutes.

3. Add dates, hazelnut paste, and orange/lemon zest to a chopping bowl. Process

ingredients to combine.

4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Scoop 1-inch balls of the dough and place

onto the parchment paper.

5. Melt the chocolate on benmari. Dip balls in chocolate, then roll in crushed almonds.
