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2 min read

How to prevent black mold in washing machine detergent drawer

How to prevent black mold in washing machine detergent drawer
How to prevent black mold in washing machine detergent drawer



If you see black, hardened remains in your washing machine's detergent drawer, it means detergent residue has begun to develop black mold. There are several reasons for this to happen. Please see if one of the following will solve the problem. 




Check the detergent drawer for moisture


The detergent drawer might have been wet when you added the detergent. Dry the drawer before filling it.




Check the detergent for moisture


The detergent itself might have been damp. Keep it in a closed container, free of humidity and away from excessive temperatures.




Check the water pressure


Your washing machine needs sufficient water pressure to remove the detergent from the drawer. Check the water pressure either by looking at the pressure gauge attached to the water line, or by attaching pressure gauge to the valve behind your washing machine.


The water supply pressure required to run your Beko washing machine is between 1 and 10 bars (0.1 – 1 MPa). If the pressure is lower than this, the water pipes may be clogged or leaking. If this is the case, turn off the water supply valve and contact a certified plumber.




See if the drawer holes are clogged


Your appliance’s detergent drawer is divided into compartments for different cleaning products.


The compartments for the main wash detergent are either labelled with “detergent” or “II”. The remaining compartments are for pre-wash (labelled with “pre-wash” or “I”) and softener (labelled with “softener” or a symbol).


If there’s black residue in the main wash compartment, the detergent inside may have gotten wet while taking in the pre-wash water. Turn off the machine, remove the detergent drawer and check its holes. Clean them if clogged. 




See if the detergent drawer valves are shutting off properly


The detergent drawer valves may not be shutting off properly. After using your washing machine, turn it off and remove the detergent drawer. If water is dripping inside the drawer slot, wipe it and check it again after a period.


If you still see wetness or dripping water, contact an authorized service agent .




Make sure softener and detergent don’t mix


Residue may build up if softener gets mixed with detergent. If you suspect this to be the case, wash and clean the drawer with lukewarm water. Make sure you put the detergent and the softener in their own compartments.




Avoid using too much detergent


You may be using more detergent than necessary. Follow the instructions on the detergent packaging and only use the recommended doses. 




Make sure to put tablet detergents inside the drum


If you’re using tablet detergent, remember to put it directly inside the drum together with the laundry. If placed in the detergent drawer, tablets may leave residue.


Finally, this might be a general cleaning issue. You can overcome this problem with making a habit of cleaning your washing machine regularly.



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