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No more pre-scrub.

Dishwashers from Beko

Rising like a pro to the challenge of the dirtiest dishes, glassware, pots, and pans, Beko dishwashers conquer it all for more peace of mind. Tired of high electric bills? Beko dishwashers have earned high ENERGY STAR® praise. Can’t hold a conversation with the dishwasher running? With sound ratings as low as 39 dBA, you can whisper and still be heard. Frustrated with prewashing? Beko’s advanced AquaIntense technology uses a power zone of intense water pressure with a 180-degree rotating spray arm and 360° rotating head for 5 times better cleaning performance.


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Intense water pressure for your dirtiest dishes


Whether it’s your crusty baked-on foods or mugs with dark coffee residue Beko’s AquaIntense technology eliminates the need to pre-scrub in your sink by power washing your dishes perfectly clean and spotless.

* Tested by DW factory with Intensive 70 programs



Enjoy the silence at your home


Dishwashers should be seen and not heard. SilentTech’s advanced insulation technology that virtually eliminates dishwasher noise while that extra insulation retains heat for a high energy efficiency combination that really cleans up.



Say goodbye to bad odors


Clean dishes should come out smelling clean, too. After all, who wants to revisit last night’s tuna surprise? IonGuard neutralizes and removes bad odors inside your dishwasher without the use of harmful gases or chemicals. It’s breakthrough Beko technology that’s literally a breath of fresh air.


3-Position Upper Rack

Get organized for all the dishes


With these handy three different height adjustment options, simply raise the height of the upper basket to create extra room below for large plates or easily lower it to accommodate tall glasses.


Hygiene Tips at Home

Get the most hygienic results


- Use at least 140° temperatures to provide perfect cleaning for bacteria and germs.

- Programs such as Quick&Shine clean and dry at 140° F in under one hour achieving perfectly clean dishes.

- If your Beko dishwasher has the SteamGloss function, use this for perfectly dry and hygienic dishes.

Energy Star Most Efficient Certified

Beko is committed to sustainability. Our dishwashers are not only energy and water usage efficient, but they also exceed the Cleanability Index.




24% Less energy usage

At least 24% better annual energy usage than the Dept. of Energy standard



47% Less water usage


47% better water usage than the Dept. of Energy standard




Better cleaning results


The Cleanability Index of Beko dishwashers are 70 or higher and declared as Most Efficient

Discover our Powerful Dishwashers

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Upgrade Your Home



Check out all the latest deals and get up to $1,200 saving now!


Where to Buy?



Find the nearest dealer that you can buy Beko home appliances.


2 Year Warranty

Register your Appliance within 90 days of purchase to extend your standard 1-year warranty to 2 years, free of charge.