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2 min read

How to fix a dishwasher that won’t take in water?

How to fix a dishwasher that won’t take in water?
How to fix a dishwasher that won’t take in water?



Make sure that your appliance is plugged into a working water supply. If your dishwasher is still not taking in water, see if one of the following will solve the problem. 




Make sure the drain hose is installed properly


If your appliance cannot drain itself, it won’t take in water. Check the position of the drain hose connected to your dishwasher. Make sure that it’s connected to the waste outlet at least 50 cm and at most 100 cm above the ground.




See if the supply or drain hoses are bent or clogged


The water supply and drain hoses shouldn’t be bent or clogged. Check them and unclog or straighten them if necessary. Replace leaking, punctured or rusted hoses.




See if the filter is dirty or clogged 


Your dishwasher has a drain filter which requires cleaning. Remove your dishwasher’s drain filter and check for food debris build-up.


Pull the bottom rack out of your dishwasher to reach the drain filter. Remove the filter from the bottom of the appliance and wash it under the tap. Repeat this process regularly for proper water drainage and to prevent bad odours.


Many Beko dishwashers come with the EverClean™ Filter feature. This feature uses a special sprinkler system that cleans the drain filter from the inside. Thanks to the EverClean™ Filter, your Beko dishwasher will require four times less filter cleaning.



Check that the door is closed properly


If your dishwasher detects that its door is open, it won’t start. Make sure the appliance door is firmly closed and that you hear a locking sound. If not, check the door to see if it’s broken or cracked. If the latch isn’t in working order, authorised service agent.



Consider technical problems


If the problem continues, there might be a problem with your dishwasher’s heating element or thermostat. If you suspect this to be the case, contact an authorised service agent.



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