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2 min read

How to fix a dishwasher that won't rinse properly?

How to fix a dishwasher that won't rinse properly?
How to fix a dishwasher that won't rinse properly?



There are several reasons for your dishwasher to fail rinsing properly. Please see if one of the following will solve the problem.




See if the detergent is dissolving fully


A wet detergent dispenser or damp detergent will cause the detergent to clump up and not dissolve properly.


To avoid this, dry the compartment before filling it and keep your dishwasher detergent in a closed container, free of humidity and away from excessive temperatures. Also, make sure you’re not loading the detergent too long before you run the appliance as it may clump or stick to the dispenser.




Avoid using inappropriate detergent and other products


Be sure to use detergents, rinse aid and salt which are specifically for dishwashers. Don’t use dish washing liquid, hand soap, bleach, vinegar or any other chemicals under any circumstances as these products reduce your dishwasher’s performance, cause metal pieces to rust, and may even shorten the lifespan of your appliance.




Avoid using too much detergent


Using too much detergent doesn’t necessarily mean that your dishes will be cleaned better. If you overload the dispenser, leftover detergent may scratch the finish on your dishes. Always take the level markings into account, and don’t exceed them.




Make sure the appliance is loaded properly


You may be loading your dishes incorrectly or overloading your dishwasher. Make sure all your dishes are tilted properly and that they’re not touching each other or the moving parts of the dishwasher. 


If you don’t load your dishwasher properly, light plastic cups or glassware may move around and turn over, filling with wash water. Dishes might obstruct the opening of the dispenser lid or the turning of spray arms.


Give the spray arms a spin after finishing loading to make sure they can move freely. See our guide on how to load a dishwasher for more information. 




Take advantage of SuperRinse™


Many Beko dishwashers come with the SuperRinse™ feature, which provides an additional rinsing function. You might want to activate this feature if you’re sensitive to detergent residue or if you simply want to enjoy more thoroughly rinsed dishes.



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