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3 min read

How to fix a dishwasher that won't dry properly?

How to fix a dishwasher that won't dry properly?
How to fix a dishwasher that won't dry properly?



There are several reasons for your dishwasher not to dry properly. Please see if one of the following will solve the problem.




Make sure the appliance is loaded properly


You may be loading your dishes incorrectly or overloading your dishwasher. Make sure all your dishes are tilted properly and that they’re not touching each other or the moving parts of the dishwasher for optimum drainage performance. 


If you don’t load your dishwasher properly, light plastic cups or glassware may move around and turn over, filling with wash water. Dishes might obstruct the opening of the dispenser lid or the turning of spray arms.


Give the spray arms a spin after finishing loading to make sure they can move freely. See our guide on how to load a dishwasher  for more information. 




Make sure to use rinse aid


Your dishwasher may have run out of rinse aid or there may be a problem with its release into the appliance. Rinse aid disperses water from the surface of your dishes during the final rinse and helps with the drying process. It prevents water droplets from drying on your dishes and leaving water marks. 


When the rinse aid light on your dishwasher comes on, it’s time to refill. The rinse aid reservoir is located on the inside of your dishwasher’s door, next to the detergent reservoir. Open the cover of the reservoir, pour in the rinse aid until the reservoir is full and close the cover. 




Make sure to open the door after the cycle finishes


Water drops might settle back on your dishes if you leave your dishwasher’s door closed after a cycle. It may be that your dishwasher is drying your dishes properly, but the hot, moist air inside the appliance is creating water droplets as the air cools inside.


Be sure to open your dishwasher’s door after a cycle and leave it slightly open for the hot air to escape. Some Beko dishwashers feature Auto Door Opening which pops the door open when the wash cycle ends to let the humid air out.




Make sure to activate the tablet detergent function when using tablets


Tablet detergents are less effective at rinsing and drying. To compensate for this, your dishwasher can be specially programmed to work with tablet detergents.


Some Beko dishwashers come with Auto Tablet sensors which can tell if you’re using tablet detergent. If your dishwasher doesn’t have this function, make sure you manually activate the tablet detergent setting when using tablets. Tablets aren’t recommended for short programmes.


In addition, though some tablets feature a 2-in-1 formula, it’s recommended that you also use rinse aid with these tablets.




Make sure the selected programme is appropriate


The washing programme you selected might not be suitable for the type of dishes you want to clean. Be sure to choose the right washing programme for the type of load you’re washing.




Keep it in mind that plastic and Teflon are harder to dry


Plastic doesn’t retain as much heat as other materials like glass or porcelain, and the surface tension of Teflon can cause water droplets to remain. This means that kitchenware made of these materials might remain wet while others are completely dry.


Many Beko dishwashers feature AquaFlex® technology which ensures the best drying results, even for plastics and Teflon.




Avoid washing kitchenware with deteriorated surfaces


Water may not dry off completely if the surfaces of items show signs of deterioration. Water drops may be left in the pores or dents even after the washing and drying cycle. Avoid washing these items in the dishwasher.




Consider technical problems


If the problem continues, there might be a problem with your dishwasher’s heating element or thermostat. If you suspect this to be the case, contact an authorised service agent.



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