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Tangy Vinegar Chicken with Cranberries and Orange
Tangy Vinegar Chicken with Cranberries and Orange

1m read

Ramadan Recipes:

Tangy Vinegar Chicken with Cranberries and Orange




Gluten Free | Diary Free | Nut Free





Total time:

4h 30 mins





• 500g of bone-in chicken leg

• 50g of cranberries: fresh or frozen

• 2 oranges

• 2g of fresh thyme & rosemary

• 2 cloves of garlic, sliced.

• 1 medium onion, sliced.

• 400ml of chicken broth

• 10g of salt

• 2g of onion powder

• 2g of garlic powder

• 1g of black pepper

• 1g of paprika


Chicken broth:


• 2kg chicken bones

• 250g carrot

• 250g onion

• 250g celery or celeriac

• 30g salt




Chicken Broth:


•Wash all chicken bones with cold water. Roughly cut the vegetables and cover them with cold water.


•Simmer in a pot for approximately 4 hours, then strain.




•Peel one orange, discarding the white piths.


•Zest the orange's peel.


•Slice the other orange.


•Layer the onion, sliced orange, garlic cloves, cranberries, fresh thyme, and rosemary into the Beko Air Fryer.


•Drizzle olive oil over the chicken and season with salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, thyme, and rosemary.


•Place the chicken skin side up for roasting. Arrange the onion, remaining orange and zest, garlic, and cranberries around and in between the chicken.


•Add enough broth so that the chicken is just barely touching the liquid (not submerged).


•Roast for about an hour at 185°C.


*Please be aware that the ingredients may contain or come into contact with common allergens, such as dairy, eggs, soybeans, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, or wheat, etc., and the nutritional facts may vary due to their growing conditions.

Recommended Beko appliances




Beko ExpertFry EF 7100


Less Oil Cooker 


Beko Beko ExpertFry EF 7100 allows you to cook for the whole family simultaneously with its 8.5L capacity (two 4.25L baskets), making it an ideal choice for nutritious  Ramadan tables! 

Let’s add healthy colours to our tasty traditional Iftar table.
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