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Хладилници с фризер в американски стил Как да монтирате перална машина Хранете се като професионалисти – РецептиНяма намерени резултати!
Иновации в печките за вграждане
Апетитни функции за готвене, които улесняват здравословния начин на живот
Our parent company, Beko has 55,000 employees throughout the world with its global operations through its subsidiaries in 57 countries and 45 production facilities in 13 countries
(i.e. Türkiye, UK, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, South Africa, Russia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Thailand and China).
Beko became the largest white goods company in Europe with its market share (based on volumes). Beko’s 31 R&D and Design Centers & Offices across the globe
are home to over 2,300 researchers and hold more than 3,500 international registered patent applications to date.