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Heat Pump Tumble Dryers

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Energy efficient and gentle on your clothes





Heat Pump Tumble Dryers

While conventional tumble dryers release the hot air used to dry the clothes,

heat pump technology conserves and re-uses it.

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Energy saving


Drying at lower temperatures, and hot air used during the process is re-used, this saves a significant amount of energy compared to other dryer technologies

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Fabric care


Using a lower temperature to dry the load results in better protection for your clothes

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Allergy and hygiene care


Increased dampness in your home attracts allergens like mould and dust mites. Using an energy efficient dryer instead of air-drying on a clothes rack will reduce the amount of moisture in the air


How do heat pump dryers compare?

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Less Cost Over Time 


A heat pump dryer can help you reduce energy consumption, therefore your energy bills, when compared to conventional dryers.


*Comparing Beko ANZ 2023 models using calculator

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Comparable Drying Time


Time to dry a load in a heat pump dryer compared to conventional dryers is only slightly longer, while the energy savings are dramatic.


*Comparing Beko ANZ 2023 models using Energy Label Standard Program according to AS/NZS 2442

I rate the Beko dryer 5 stars because the dryer energy rating ... we saved $40 on our 1st electricity account for 1 month, also we use the water tank to water our plants.

Gold Coast, Australia
BDPB904HG 9kg Hybrid/RapiDry Heat Pump Dryer

Keep costs down while drying


Meet the range 


9 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi

9 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi BDPB904HG
  • RapiDry: Energy Efficient or Fast Drying
  • Ironfinish: Ready to Wear
  • Hygienic Refresh Program


9 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi

9 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi BDPB904HW
  • RapiDry: Energy Efficient or Fast Drying
  • Ironfinish: Ready to Wear
  • Hygienic Refresh Program


8 kg Heat Pump Dryer with Steam & Wifi

8 kg Heat Pump Dryer with Steam & Wifi BDPB802SW
  • Wifi Connection with Homewhiz
  • Recycled Dry: Recycled plastics used behind this door
  • High efficiency, high durability, low noise


10 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi

10 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi BDPB104HW
  • RapiDry: Energy Efficient or Fast Drying
  • Ironfinish: Ready to Wear
  • Hygienic Refresh Program


8kg Heat Pump Dryer

8kg Heat Pump Dryer BDPB8010W
  • Hygienic drying cycle
  • Reverse Tumble Function: Less tangling, more even drying
  • EcoGentle Heat Pump

Innovative heating, superfast drying

Are you looking for the flexibility of energy efficiency while not having to wait as long for your load to dry? With the RapiDry heat pump dryer you have the best of both worlds
