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Enjoy perfect cleaning results for even heavily-soiled
dishes with our freestanding dishwashers.
results (10)


Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Autodosing & Hygiene Intense

Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Autodosing & Hygiene Intense BDF1640AX
  • AutoDose: optimum detergent, efficient cleaning
  • Hygiene Intense Function: Killing 99.999% Bacteria & Viruses
  • Wifi Connection with Homewhiz


Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Hygiene Intense

Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Hygiene Intense BDF1640DX
  • Hygiene Intense Function: Killing 99.999% Bacteria & Viruses
  • 16 Place Setting: Extra Large Capacity
  • Auto program with dirt sensor


Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Hygiene Intense & Auto Door Opening

Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Hygiene Intense & Auto Door Opening BDFB1630X
  • Fast+ Program
  • More room for pots & pans in the lower rack
  • Easy-to-open dispenser lid


Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Hygiene Intense & Auto Door Opening

Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Hygiene Intense & Auto Door Opening BDFB1630B
  • Hygiene Intense Function: Killing 99.999% Bacteria & Viruses
  • Self Dry - Auto Door Opening
  • 16 Place Setting: Extra Large Capacity


Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Hygiene Intense & Auto Door Opening

Freestanding Dishwasher 16 PS with Hygiene Intense & Auto Door Opening BDFB1630W
  • Hygiene Intense Function: Killing 99.999% Bacteria & Viruses
  • Self Dry - Auto Door Opening
  • 16 Place Setting: Extra Large Capacity


Freestanding Dishwasher 14 PS with Hygiene Intense

Freestanding Dishwasher 14 PS with Hygiene Intense BDFB1430X
  • Hygiene Intense Function: Killing 99.999% Bacteria & Viruses
  • 14 Place Setting: Big Capacity
  • Auto program with dirt sensor


Freestanding Dishwasher 14 PS with Hygiene Intense

Freestanding Dishwasher 14 PS with Hygiene Intense BDFB1430B
  • Hygiene Intense Function: Killing 99.999% Bacteria & Viruses
  • 14 Place Setting: Big Capacity
  • Auto program with dirt sensor


Freestanding Dishwasher 14 PS with Hygiene Intense

Freestanding Dishwasher 14 PS with Hygiene Intense BDFB1410X
  • Hygiene Intense Function: Killing 99.999% Bacteria & Viruses
  • 14 Place Setting: Big Capacity
  • Intensive wash at 70°C


Freestanding Dishwasher 14 PS with Hygiene Intense

Freestanding Dishwasher 14 PS with Hygiene Intense BDFB1410W
  • Hygiene Intense Function: Killing 99.999% Bacteria & Viruses
  • 14 Place Setting: Big Capacity
  • Intensive wash at 70°C


Freestanding Dishwasher (14 place settings, Full-size)

Freestanding Dishwasher (14 place settings, Full-size) BDF1401X
  • 14 Place Setting: Big Capacity
  • Intensive wash at 70°C
  • More room for pots & pans in the lower rack
results (10)