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ATP6100HF: HEPA Filter Replacement for Air Purifier ATP6100I


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ATP6100HF: HEPA Filter Replacement for Air Purifier ATP6100I


HEPA Filter & Ionizer

4 Layers of filtration

The washable pre-filter removes most of the larger dirt, hair and pollen particles while the 3 layer HEPA 13 filter removes at least 99.97% of dust and airborne particles with the size of 0.3 microns. The carbon filter also removes unwanted odours (kitchen, animal, smoke). There is also an independent Ioniser that helps with the air cleaning process.

Tech Specs

Functions & Features


Dimensions & Weight


0.3 kg

Packaged Height

41 cm

Packaged Width

25 cm

Packaged Depth

35 cm

Packaged Weight

0.5 kg


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