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Fridge Buyback Program 2023

The ActewAGL Fridge Buyback program provides ACT residents and businesses with free removal and recycling of old fridges or freezers for households and businesses.

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  1. You’re eligible for Fridge Buyback if:
  2. -your premises is in the ACT
  3. -you’re an ActewAGL customer
  4. -your fridge or freezer is in working order.
  6. Both single and 2-door fridges or freezers will be picked up, but only 2-door appliances are eligible for the credit.

How does it work?

1. Register

To let us know where to pick up your fridge or freezer.


2. ActewAGL representative will call you

Within two business days to confirm your pick-up date and time.


3. Your appliance is taken away

And responsibly recycled* by an ActewAGL representative.


4. You’ll see the $30 credit on an upcoming bill.

As long as your appliance has two doors, you’ll see the amount subtracted from your bill. 


Book your free fridge pick up now


Up to three eligible fridges per household