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How to read the new dishwasher energy label?

Energy labels for washing machines and washer dryers are changing. After 1 March 2021, all energy ratings will be listed from A to G rather than A+, A++, and A+++.


The new labels aim to reward energy-efficient appliances while implementing stricter eco-design requirements and improved environmental performance. The new regulations cover not only energy efficiency but also energy consumption in a way that consumers can relate to more easily.


The energy efficiency class of dishwashers is based on the energy consumption of the “Eco” programme. The “Eco” programme, recommended for normally-soiled dishes to be cleaned as energy-efficiently as possible, conserves water as well as electricity. This is the most efficient dishwasher programme.


Here is what the new dishwasher energy label looks like and what the symbols and numbers stand for: 

  1. QR Code
  2. Scale of energy efficiency classes (A – G )
  3. Energy efficiency class
  4. Energy consumption of Eco programme in kWh per 100 cycles (New)
  5. Rated capacity in standard place settings for the Eco programme
  6. Water consumption of Eco programme in litres per cycle (New)
  7. Duration of the Eco programme (New)
  8. Noise level in dBA and noise emission class (New)

Sound power level reference to 1 pW
