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Fig Smoothie
Fig Smoothie

1m read

Fig Smoothie

This delicious fig smoothie is made with fresh figs, coconut milk, purslane, chia seeds, and banana. Its a filling and satisfying drink that will keep you full for hours. Plus, its healthy and packed with nutrients, making it a great choice for breakfast or a snack.

If you have the ingredients on hand in your refrigerator and a blender, your smoothie will be almost ready in no time. You can use Beko Hand Blender Set with 400 W Motor Power and Stainless steel 2-blade system will make it easy.






5 MIN.


● 6 fresh figs

● 100 ml coconut milk

● 50 gr purslane

● 1 tbsp chia seeds

● 1 banana

Step by step


● Rinse in fresh water a few times and then quarter the fresh figs. Transfer them in a blender or mixer jar.

● Peel, slice banana and add them to the blender jar.

● Add coconut milk and blend to a smooth and fine consistency.

● Pour Fig Smoothie in a glass and serve. Enjoy!

