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Blueberry Coconut Layered Smoothie
Blueberry Coconut Layered Smoothie

1m read

Blueberry Coconut Layered Smoothie

Blueberry Coconut Layered Smoothie
blueberrycoconutlayeredsmoothie_Mobile 375x450








1 to 2

Total Time

1 hour



Bottom layer

  • 150 g frozen blueberries
  • 60 g plain non-fat Greek yoghurt
  • 110 g coconut milk


Second layer

  • 1 banana
  • 80 g frozen blueberries
  • 250 g plain non-fat Greek yoghurt
  • 150 g coconut milk
  • 15 g unsweetened shredded coconut


For the top

  • 1 banana
  • 170 g coconut cream
  • 15 g unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 20 g maple or agave syrup
  • Handful fresh blueberries and coconut flakes, for topping

Step by step


1. Combine all bottom layer ingredients in a blender.


2. Pour into glass.


3. Place glasses in freezer for 20 min.


4. Once chilled, combine all ingredients of the second layer in a blender.


5. Pour on top using a funnel.


6. Place glasses in freezer for 15 min.


7. Once chilled, combine all top layer ingredients in a blender.


8. Pour on top using a funnel; top smoothies with fresh blueberries and coconut flakes.
