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Oven Baked Pakora
Oven Baked Pakora

1m read

Oven Baked Pakora
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Goodbye unhealthy snacks and welcome to Oven Baked Pakora.

Get ready for a local snack from India. It will replace other snacks on your tables. Pakora is a traditional Indian fritter made of vegetables dipped in a crispy batter. Usually deep-fried and are served as a snack or appetizer with a dipping sauce or chutney. They are also known as pakoda, pakodi, and bhaji. You can be sure that this recipe

from far away will color your table. Moreover, all the spices of India are in it. This recipe is for you if you're looking for something simplistic, healthy, and quick to make. Also, You can use Beko Oven with AeroPerfect technology that provides uniform hot air distribution throughout the oven and minimises temperature fluctuation, ensuring even and precise cooking every time on this recipe.


Healthy Snacks




40 MIN.


● 1 onion

● 1 red chilli pepper

● 120 g chickpea flour

● 60 g cornflour

● 2 cloves of garlic

● Parsley

● ½ cup water

● A pinch of cumin, curry, powdered ginger, chili powder, turmeric, garlic


For the Dip:

● ½ cup yoghurt

● 3 tbsp dill

● 1 tsp salt

Step by Step:


1. Preheat oven to 200°C.

2. Chop the onions julienne.

3. Combine all the ingredients and get a dense consistency. Place mixture to

baking sheet with two spoons. Give them round as much as you can.

4. Bake for 25 minutes.

5. Serve with yoghurt and dill dip. Enjoy!

