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Oat milk Coffee
Oat milk Coffee

1m read

Oat milk Coffee
BEKO_recipesSpecialtyCoffees10_1920x600 2

Need an extra boost of energy before a workout?

Coffee is one of the world's most popular beverages. Its a natural source of caffeine, and a natural source of nutrients.

Therefore, one of the most important supplements of every sport is good nutrition. Of course, it is not easy to change your coffee preference that you have been accustomed to for so long. However, this recipe can easily change your preference. This flavor, which you can make in a short time, will support your athlete's nutrition, and provide you with a delicious start to the day. Legend will be one of the most important supporters of your performance. We will also be using the hob for this recipe. That's why we have a suggestion for you. Beko Hobs with Boiling Detection technology’s sensors detect vibrations in the hob, alerting it to the risk of a dish boiling over and will automatically set it to simmer so there’s no mess and no food gets ruined!


Specialty Coffees




10 MIN.


  • 150ml oat milk
  • 30ml coconut oil
  • 40ml honey
  • 60ml Espresso
  • A Cinnamon sticks

Step by Step:


1. To a saucepan, add oat milk and cinnamon. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer,

cooking uncovered for 3 minutes. Stir often until you get a creamy texture and

remove the cinnamon stick.

2. When you get the creamy texture, add the coconut oil and honey, bring to a boil,

then remove from the heat.

3. Combine the espresso into two glasses and add the mixture you prepared on it.

