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Isabella Grape Pudding
Isabella Grape Pudding

1m read

Isabella Grape Pudding 
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BEKO_recipesHealthyDesserts19_750x1200 copy

Tonight's dinner will include dessert for everyone.

Isabella Grape Must Pudding is an ancient recipe prepared during the grape harvest season. This unique pudding is made with fresh grape and most importantly, it contains no sugar whatsoever!

Once you’ve obtained the grape must necessary for making this recipe, it’s really quite simple. Made up of only few ingredients: grape must; stevia, oat flour, rice flour.


Healthy Desserts




40 MIN.


  •  1 kg Isabella Grape
  •  800 ml Water
  •  1 tsp stevia
  •  100 g oat flour
  •  50 g rice flour

Step by step


1. Wash your grapes thoroughly. Remove the stems and put them in the pot.


2. Add water and bring it to boil for 5 minutes.

3. Add the stevia and leave to cook over low heat. Cook until the grapes release their

juice and melt.

4. Then strain through a large sieve. Crush the uncrushed grapes well with a spoon.

5. Put a ladle of the grape mixture you have obtained into the bowl and put the rest

into the saucepan.

6. Using a ladle, mix the reserved grape juice with the oat flour and add to the pot.

Then add the rice flour and mix well. Boil the mixture until it thickens.

7. Boil the mixture until it thickens. When it reaches the desired consistency, pour it

into the bowls. Let it cool for a while in the serving bowls.

8. Put them in the refrigerator and let them cool down well. You can serve your

desserts after they have cooled and thickened. Enjoy!
