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Espresso with Almond Milk
Espresso with Almond Milk

1m read

Espresso with Almond Milk

Whether hot or cold taste! Make a difference to your Sunday.

Try espresso with a new flavor at the weekend, which allows you to make a fresh start to every day.

An espresso is a must to keep up with what yo're going to do for the weekend. But are you ready to try a special flavor for the weekend? Preferring almond milk instead of daily milk will elevate your coffee experience with its creamy texture and delicious taste. It will give

you a delicious start to the weekend. In this recipe, you can use the Beko Espresso Machine that offers a simple way to make delicious barista-style espressos from your favourite ground coffee.


Specialty Coffees




10 MIN.


  • 30 ml almond milk
  • 30ml espresso
  • ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 30 g chopped raw almonds
  • A Scoop of vanilla ice cream

Step by Step:


1. Pour 30 ml of almond milk into a large glass and add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to it

2. Add 30ml espresso to the glass (cold / hot optional)

3. Finally, add cinnamon and almonds and serve. Enjoy!

