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Breakfast Corn Patties
Breakfast Corn Patties

1m read

Breakfast Corn Patties

This breakfast idea is perfect for those lazy mornings when you dont want to cook a big meal. Serve with a dollop of yogurt, and you have got a breakfast that will make you feel like you are on vacation. Here is the Breakfast Corn Patties recipe!





Total Time

30 MIN.



● 100 g whole wheat flour 

● 4 g baking powder

● 1 tsp coriander powder 

● 1 tsp cumin powder 

● 130 g boiled corn

● 130 g crushed corn

● 20 ml milk

● 120 g scrambled egg

● 30 g butter 

● Salt and black pepper

● 20 g chopped fresh onion

● Cucumber slices

● Goat cheese


For the sauce;


● 100 g strained yogurt 

● 30 g boiled beets 

● 10 g chopped fresh onion 

● Salt, black pepper

Step by step


1.Put the flour, baking powder, coriander, and cumin in a bowl, and make a hole in the


2.Add the corn kernels, corn grits, milk, eggs, fresh onion, and other spices and mix it


3.Wrap the baking tray with greaseproof paper. 

4. Portion 80 grams of the prepared mixture and round it. 

5.Then, put it on the tray. 

6.Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. 

7.Put the butter cut into small cubes in each piece you rolled. 

8.Serve with the sauce, cucumber slices and goat cheese. Enjoy!

