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Looking For How To Keep Your Food Fresh For Longer?
Looking For How To Keep Your Food Fresh For Longer?

1m read

Beko Refrigerator with Aeroflow technology; inspiration right from nature herself

Beko Refrigerator with Aeroflow technology; inspiration right from nature herself
Beko Refrigerator with Aeroflow technology; inspiration right from nature herself

Looking for how to keep your food fresh for longer?


Take a look at your fridge. Beko Refrigerator with AeroFlow Technology is one of the most important tools you have in fighting food waste and for long-lasting freshness.

How often have you gone shopping and bought something because of a special offer? Or just couldn't resist the beauty of colorful vegetables and fruits lined up beautifully in rows? We all want to eat healthy or love a good deal, but it is only a deal if you end up using it and not wasting it.


Let's look at the statistics together. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; roughly one-third of the food produced worldwide for human consumption is lost or wasted which is approximately 1.3 billion tons annually. Just in the UK around 70% of food waste comes from people's homes and sadly over 13% of all food is lost due to a lack of refrigeration.


That's why we came up with a technology that takes its inspiration right from Nature herself and keeps food fresh longer. Thanks to the Beko Refrigerator's innovative AeroFlow Technology provides gentle cold air distribution for lasting freshness and juiciness of fresh food maintain for a longer time.


AeroFlow Technology by uniformly distributing the temperature and minimizing temperature fluctuations at all levels inside the cooling compartment, the dehydration of fresh food is reduced. Thus, it makes it easier for you to food saving.

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Is temperature control crucial in keeping food fresh?


Yes. If the refrigerator is too warm the food won’t last and if it’s too cold your food may freeze. Beko's Innovative AeroFlow technology provides gentle cold air distribution for lasting freshness.

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Does refrigerators help you keep your food fresh?


Keeping food fresh and preventing spoilage means lowering the activity of bacteria. The key behind refrigeration is to slow down bacteria activity so the food lasts longer before spoiling.

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What else can I do to prevent food waste?


Besides Beko’s AeroFlow Technology, don’t overstock your fridge, the air has trouble circulating through it and will make your food spoil faster. Limit the space, it will reduce food waste and keep items fresher for longer. And understand the warm and cold sections of your fridge and organize strategically!
