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Beko UltraFast Washer Dryer
Beko UltraFast Washer Dryer

3m read

4 Reasons to Buy a Washer Dryer

Beko UltraFast Washer Dryer, by using an improved heater, a high-powered fan and a special design heat exchanger, this wonder of technology guarantees you’ll be ready in no time.


If you put all the items used at home in an order of importance, we are sure that the white goods will be in the first place. Refrigerators that keep foods fresh for a long time without spoiling; Dishwashers that wash the dishes and allow you to spend more time with yourself and your family, or a washing machine that offers clean clothes…



Although these three products usually come to mind when "white goods" are mentioned, tumble dryers or washer-drying machines have also started to be among the indispensable items, especially in homes in big cities.




Here are the advantages of washer dryers!


1. It Saves You Time and Space



You sorted your laundry according to its colours and washed them in the machine by choosing a suitable program. After you put your washed clothes in a laundry basket, you started to hang them. If it is summer and the weather is nice, you can hang the laundry on the ropes.



But especially in winter, when the hangers are insufficient, the laundry is laid inside the house. Of course, after this process, there is also the collection of laundry.



In other words, it is difficult to find a suitable place to dry laundry and hanging and collecting the laundry takes your time. However, thanks to the washer-dryer, you can save both time and space.



At this point, we should also say the following information: Beko UltraFast washes and dries 5kg of laundry in less than three hours. Perfect for when you need great results, but time is of the essence.



Also, you can wash and dry a full load. So, even if you decide to take a trip to the mountains on Friday at 6 pm, you know you will have your clothes ready by the time you leave.



2. It dries your laundry hygienically


Finding a hygienic way to dry laundry is quite difficult. When dust and dirty air permeate your laundry, there is not much cleaning left.



However, in addition to the comfort, you can also benefit from hygiene during drying in the washer-dryer. Laundry drying in the machine without being in contact with the open-air dries in a much more hygienic way!



3. Maintains Air Quality in Your Home


If you are drying your laundry inside the house, this invites house mites and can cause health problems if you have an allergenic body.



In addition, you should consider that the air quality of your home will decrease. In addition, in case of drying clothes in the room, you may face mold formation on your furniture due to humidity. At this point, the washer-dryer protects the air quality in your home.




4. Offers Special Programs for Your Needs, Makes Your Life Easier


One of the answers to the question “What should you pay attention to when buying a washer-dryer?” is to choose products with technologies that will definitely meet your needs.



For example, your laundry is not dirty but needs refreshment… In this case, you can choose the refreshment program of the machine. If you have laundry that you want to iron after drying, you can use your preference for iron-dry programs and take your laundry from your machine in a slightly damp condition suitable for ironing.


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Is it good to have a washer and dryer together?

For some smaller homes, apartments, and condos, a washer and dryer combo can be the better choice because they take up relatively half the space.
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What is the benefit of a washer and dryer combo?


The tumble dryer combination changes your laundry routine with the ability to wash and dry your clothes in a single load. So whether you're looking for an appliance that keeps up with your busy lifestyle or you want to maximize space in a compact room, this two-to-one appliance can elevate your laundry setup.

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Do washer dryers dry well and quick?

A washer-dryer can sometimes take longer to perform. But we solve this problem with Beko UltraFast Washer Dryer. Beko UltraFast by using an improved heater, a high-powered fan and a special design heat exchanger, this wonder of technology guarantees you’ll be ready in no time.

