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5 Reasons Why Dishwashers are Better than Hand Washing
5 Reasons Why Dishwashers are Better than Hand Washing

3m read

5 Reasons Why Dishwashers are Better than Hand Washing

Hand washing dishes
Hand washing dishes

The sight of the piled-up dirty dishes in the kitchen and the idea of washing them is undoubtedly not as fun as eating the good food. But, dishwashing, an indispensable part of daily kitchen cleaning, is very important for our health as well as cleanliness of our surroundings. Whether your dishwasher is broken, or if you simply don’t own a dishwasher, here are 5 reasons why you should stop hand washing your dishes immediately.


Let's look at why you should dishwash your dishes instead of hand washing them.


1. Sponges used for hand washing utensils carry bacteria


Did you know your average kitchen sponge is dirtier than a toilet seat? Hence, despite washing away extra food particles, when you are using a sponge to clean dishes, you are actually releasing bacteria onto the plates and utensils.

However, using a dishwasher to clean your dishes means no involvement of sponges. Most of the bacteria and food particles will be removed by dishwashers, leaving you with the cleanest possible dishes.



2. Dishwashers are More Water Efficient than Hand Washing Dishes

You may have wondered “do dishwashers use less water?” or may think that hand washing must use much less water than a dishwasher! If you think so, then you would be wrong!  A dishwasher indeed uses much less water than hand washing.

Dishwashers can wash all dishes with an average of 12 litres of water. However, when hand-washed, this amount may be sufficient to clean only a few parts. Moreover, the water consumed increases even more because of the condition of waiting in water for a long time and using more water than normal in difficult dirt. This means that resources that are already depleted are wasted when there is a method that offers less use.


3. Dishwashers are More Time Efficient than Hand Washing Dishes

As you would imagine, hand washing a full load of dirty dishes would be physically challenging and cause a lot of time wastage. Nowadays, when time is money, having a dishwasher that can clean your dishes efficiently and save you time is necessary. You could spend that extra hour learning, indulging in a new hobby or simply relaxing after a tiring day.


4. Washing Dish by Hand can be harmful for the skin

Even if you use gloves while washing dishes by hand, your skin may become irritated over time. Both the detergents used, and the temperature can damage the skin. After all, in order to really, properly clean the dishes, hot water must be used. Extremely hot water can create steam, even with gloves, and dry out your skin.



5. Hand washing cannot kill all the germs and bacteria

No matter what method you use, whether it be hand washing or dishwashing, it is impossible to clean the dishes and remove all the bacteria and germs. Dishes cleaned by hand are much more unsanitary or germ laden than the ones cleaned by a dishwasher. This is due to the limited time and energy spent with hand washing. It is not possible to wash dishes by hand for 90 minutes, this could very well lead into an injury very quickly. Therefore, no matter what you do, you cannot reach the hygiene level of the dishes coming out of the dishwasher as they not only are cleaned for 90 minutes in hot water, but they are also dried inside the dishwasher in the hot environment. For this reason, it may be beneficial to give up hand washing and learn to trust the machine.


Beko’s Hygiene Intense Dishwasher provides bacteria and virus* elimination for your dishes in a safe and convenient way at home.B


The way Beko’s Hygiene Intense Dishwasher works is -

  • The steam mist rises from these high temperatures to cover every inch of the dish.
  • Then the dishes are rinsed with purifyingly hot water. All this means that 99.999% of bacteria and viruses* are eliminated for perfectly hygienic results.


Check out our range of Freestanding Dishwashers and Integrated Dishwashers here.

Hygiene Intense Dishwasher kills the bacteria and viruses* like enterococcus faecium, Bovine Coronavirus, Murine Norovirus on dishes.


* Enterococcus faecium, Bovine Coronavirus, Murine Norovirus

