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Cook and bake delicious dishes and pastries with our
feature-packed built-in oven range.
results (7)


Twin Fan 90 cm Multifunction Built-In Oven

Twin Fan 90 cm Multifunction Built-In Oven BBO91271MDX
  • Grease-resistant, easy-to-clean oven glass
  • Grease-absorbing walls
  • Clear view of what's happening inside


Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60cm with Airfry, Meat Probe & Pyrolytic Cleaning

Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60cm with Airfry, Meat Probe & Pyrolytic Cleaning BBO6852PDX
  • Perfect hot air distribution
  • Now with Airfry
  • Intensive, chemical-free cleaning


Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60cm with Airfry, SteamAdd and Pyrolytic Cleaning

Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60cm with Airfry, SteamAdd and Pyrolytic Cleaning BBO6851PDX
  • Perfect hot air distribution
  • SteamAdd Program: Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside
  • Now with Airfry


Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60cm with Steam Assisted Cooking and Steam Cleaning

Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60cm with Steam Assisted Cooking and Steam Cleaning BBO6852SDX
  • Perfect hot air distribution
  • Fluffier & crisper baking
  • Recycled Net: Fishnet waste & industrial thread waste used behind this door


Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60 cm with SteamAdd & Airfry

Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60 cm with SteamAdd & Airfry BBO6851MDX
  • Perfect hot air distribution
  • SteamAdd Program: Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside
  • Now with Airfry


Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60 cm

Aeroperfect™ Built-In Oven 60 cm BBO6850MDX
  • Perfect hot air distribution
  • Recycled Net: Fishnet waste & industrial thread waste used behind this door
  • Grease-resistant, easy-to-clean oven glass


Fan Heating with Grill 60 cm Built-In Oven

Fan Heating with Grill 60 cm Built-In Oven BBO6850FX
  • Perfect hot air distribution
  • Recycled Net: Fishnet waste & industrial thread waste used behind this door
  • Clear view of what's happening inside
results (7)