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Quick Recovery Healthy Pizza
Quick Recovery Healthy Pizza

1m đọc

Quick Recovery Healthy Pizza

Beko 2019 Steam Cooking Solutions ELAP Recipes Whole Wheat Bread Low Master









Total Time

30 min

Ingredients for the dough

  • 200 ml water
  • 18 g yeast
  • 330 g flour
  • 17 ml olive oil
  • 7 g salt

Other ingredients

  • 250 g tomato and oregano sauce
  • 150 g low-fat grated cheese
  • 250 g natural canned tomatoes
  • Oregano

Step by step


Step 1: Pour water into a bowl; sprinkle with yeast and let stand until foamy, about 5 minutes.


Step 2Add flour and mix in your BekoChef® Kitchen Machine until a sticky dough forms.


Step 3: Add the oil and salt. 


Step 4: Add water and yeast into the other preparation until the dough is ready. Brush another large bowl with olive oil. Place dough inside and drizzle a little oil over the top. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside until dough has doubled in size (approx. 1 hour).


Step 5: Dust your work surface with flour.


Step 6: Knead the dough 1 or 2 times, forming into balls. Let rest for 10 minutes.


Step 7: Preheat oven to 210 ˚C. Stretch the dough into the desired shape.


Step 8: Combine tomatoes with the oregano to make the sauce. Spread it over the pizza dough.


Step 9: Add grated cheese and toppings.


Step 10: Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.



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