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Fruit Ice Creams
Fruit Ice Creams

1m đọc

Fruit Ice Creams






Total Time



  • Frozen banana
  • Other fleshy fruit: Mango, strawberry, peach, blueberry…
  • Optional: yogurt, soy yogurt, whipped yogurt…
  • Toppings: shaved dark chocolate, dried fruits, grated coconut, sunflower seeds, fruit cubes…

Step by step


1. Cut fruit into cubes or slices, remove peel, stones, and seeds, and freeze them. 


2. When ready to eat, pour banana slices into the food processor and whip until it has the consistency of ice cream. 


3. Add the rest of the fruit and whip again. Cream should be at least 50% banana for good texture.


4.Top with desired toppings.


5.Prepare it when ready to eat it or 15 minutes before, at most, and keep in the freezer; otherwise, instead of a creamy texture it will be hard ice.





Here are some general tips for ice creams


Slushies: watery fruits like watermelon, melon or citrus are appropriate.


Creamy Ice Creams: Use a dairy base such as plain yogurt, whipped cheese, or Greek yogurt. Normally, milk or vegetable drinks turn out to be too liquid unless we use only bananas.


Avoid using sugar or dairy sugary products. Fruit is a natural sugar source.

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