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1 min read

How to prevent frost or ice crystals on frozen food?

How to prevent frost or ice crystals on frozen food?
How to prevent frost or ice crystals on frozen food?



It is normal to see some frost or ice crystals especially on frozen food. This is caused by moisture inside the food itself or inside the freezer. see if one of the following will solve the problem.




Store food properly


Food placed inside the freezer is usually warmer than the appliance’s internal temperature. As the food cools, it is normal to see some condensation turning into frost or ice crystals on it. To avoid this, make sure to store food in sealed, freezer-safe and moisture-proof containers or wraps. 




Avoid opening the door too frequently or keeping it open for long


Your freezer needs to keep the air inside the freezer at a certain temperature to be able to keep food frozen. If the freezer door is opened too frequently or is kept open for long periods, warm air will enter the freezer will increase the air temperature inside. 




Check for gaps, cracks, or tears on the door seals 


The cold air inside your appliance needs to be properly isolated from the outside temperatures. Check to see if there are gaps between the door seal and the cabinet. If you find any, adjust the door seal by gently pulling away from the door using your fingers.


For any openings that persist, you may need to replace the seal. In that case, contact an authorised service agent. 



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